Call it what you want - Japenglish, Engrish, Eigo, it's all the same.
Bad English is not by all means a Japan-only phenomenon. The reason it's so widely reported about is the fact that you do get a lot of fairly respectable organisations falling prey to just running a paragraph of Japanese through Babel Fish and simply posting the results. As seen here, in other countries this is seen as funny but Japan really doesn't seem to care all to much about proper English.
Sometimes you can let it off for the lulz.
But here's an example of an apartment block near one of my schools:
I have no idea what the hell a wonderful green is or why this building is in persuit of it, but oh well. I'da thought that if you spent all that money building an an apartment building you could at least shell out for a translator...or even just sign up to and have it proof read!
In the similar fashion that you have those people with Chinese kanji tattoos but have no idea what it means, a lot of Japanese things have bad English on them "because they look cool". I'm not complaining in the slightest, it's a load of fun and totally free when walking down the street/through the super market. Just wish it didn't leak into the schools! :cry:
On the topic of strange things Japanese - behold! Minestrone soup with BRAN FLAKES!
By the way if anyone has anything Japanese they'd like me to translate I'll be more than happy to help. It's good practice for me haha.
Love about Japan: Fukubukuro
Miss about home: Steak pudding