Tis a glorious sunny day in England, so I decided to go for a bit of a walk in my local park.
You can see my train station from the bridge heading towards the entrance. I'll do my next one on public transport, I think, since it's a nice little hot topic for me.
Parks in England vary quite a lot depending on where you go. The one nearest me has a lot of natural beauty as a lot of it is unused farmland. In the next town over the park is very well managed and kept like a giant garden. You can see a "panorama" pic I took with my phone here.
I do rather enjoy the wildflowers and wildlife you get in the one near me.
There are a lot of very old milestones dotted around randomly. You sometimes still see them along main roads. I think some of them are actually things for gas pipes...not sure what the "LYR" writing's for.
The roads in Britain are very mismatched. You often get road surfaces changing a lot in a very short distance. This is because the electric, gas and water companies refuse to co-operate and so you can have the same bit of road dug up 3 times with different asphalt put back down when they're done. It gives our roads a kind of patch-work feel to them. ^_^;
After the really cold winter we had, our town had a ton of potholes in the road. The council told us that there was no money to fix them and a new rule stated they won't be repaired until they're 4cm deep. But by the next election, guess who suddenly had money to fix the roads? :P
Litter is a major pain in my arse in this country. It's everywhere and nobody does anything about it. I mean, it's not like someone accidentally took their kitchen bin out into the countryside and then accidentally smashed it open. Who takes half a chair? Why is there a sponge all the way out here? :?
Graffiti is also something that never gets cleaned. Rob apparently "tagged" this (if my young persons' slang is anything to go by) two years ago, and our residental Korean hoodlum "Dong" has been there as long as I can remember. What's graffiti like where you live?
Dog poop and Batman go in here.
The River Blakewater. It runs the stretch of the town and joins the biggest river in the next town over before heading out to sea.
Hmm, I think I'll start using larger photos next time. What are the parks like near where you live?