I haven't updated in aaaaaages. Gomen!
Long story short, I've been super busy studying for the JLPT (Google it) and this TEFL course I'm on (Google it). In the meantime I've decided I wanna go to Bali for New Year so off I pop to the local travel agency. I don't tend to use them but getting a credit card, and therefore plane tickets, is near impossible in Japan unless you're a perminent resident or don't look all that foreign.
Me: "I want to go to Bali."
Clerk: "Good choice, sir. When would you like to go?"
Me: "Around the 28th?"
Clerk: "Okay, hold on"
A goddamn 20 minute break passes.
Clerk: "Sorry, there are no flights on the 28th."
Me: "Oh ok...how about the 29th?"
Clerk: "Let me go check."
Another 20 minute break passes.
Clerk: "There is a flight on the 29th but the hotel isn't available."
Me: "ALL hotels aren't available or just this one?"
Clerk: "...let me go check."
After deciding it would be more interesting to watch paint being paint I told him I'll leave it and headed home. I have got the tickets and hotels all booked, I just needed to go find a woman-run travel agent. They know what common sense means apparently.
Anyone had any similar experiences with customer service? What are your plans for new year?
PS. The SoJelly site was borked by my friends whilst I had been busy and didn't tell me. I've fixed it but so far only my JellyShorts is up. More coming up around Christmas time!