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I've just had a random thought and realised that I've not moved anywhere before.

I've lived in the same house with my parents for 22 years with almost no change to it. Obviously there's been paint jobs and new furniture, but the basic structure and layout has been the same. I tried moving out for university, but they screwed me over with bureaucratic nonsense

If I get onto the JET programme, which I'll find out in April, then I will actually be moving to a random location in Japan. The thought struck me that going from no change to having absolutely no safety net is both awesome and terrifying. Hell, it's only been the past month I've taught myself how to use the bloody washing machine.

I don't really see a problem with living with my parents. They're very realistic about most things and are very understanding of my situation (re: too qualified for bad jobs, too inexperienced for good jobs) so it's not like I'm still having my room tidied by them or have breakfast made for me or anything. I'm very independent and I have taken care of myself for a month while they were away.

Most of my friends have moved at least once, but most of those were within the same town or a few miles. I'm not sure if that "counts", if you catch my drift.

Has anyone here ever moved? What was it like?