BBC News has recently put up an article how the trust PC mouse is on it's last legs so to speak. Everything's going the way of wireless pointers and touch screen interfaces but this all feels a little forced for my tastes.
Yes, this is certainly the way forward for mobile technology. The iPhone is plenty proof of this, however much of an overpriced, flawed piece of crap it is; people want the most out of their gadgets while taking up the minimum amount (usable) of space. Hell, all laptops these days come with touchpads that (barely) work fine. But everyone will agree that nothing beats the trusty mouse. Why? Because it just works. Move it left, the cursor moves left. No worries about if dragging your finger across the screen will accidently result in dragging a random program halfway across your desktop, or highlighting most of your screen like a Christmas tree, it just works.
The main reason why this won't happen are the people behind most of the advancements of PC hardware - the gamers. Every tried controlling Kane's army with a touchpad? Think you can snipe with your greasy finger leaving smudgy marks everywhere? Remember how impossibly frustrating it was to aim with the Wiimote on Red Steel?
Until something obviously better comes along I think we're going to be seeing the mouse longer than "3 to 5 years".