I took my girlfriend to this fancy Meditterean cafe the other day. She had a salad and I had the only thing on the menu not soaked in olive oil (a sammich). I had a coffee and she had this tea...
I really don't know how she could drink this. She said it was nice, but besides the fact it just looks like pond water, it smelt like soap. C'est la vie.
On the way to meeting her my bus was 25 mins late. It's suppose to come every 30 mins. I am absolutely sick and tired of this country's public transport. It's far too expensive for a dirty, unreliable service. It's a £6 return for a 20 minute journey with no traffic. The exact same trip can be made in a car in about quarter of an hour. Part of the frustration arises in the fact that I have no alternative: I have no money for a car and it would be pointless if I'm leaving the country anyway. I don't even know why I bother looking at my watch whilst waiting for it, I may as well break out a deck of Tarot cards or roll a 20 sided dice.
On the subject, I really hate cars. More to the point, I hate people who talk about them. Whenever I'm talking to someone new at uni the same subjects always come up: how drunk did you get at the weekend (I don't drink), who won the match last night (I don't watch football) and what kind of car do you drive (I take the bus). Having a car at my age, and particularly in college, is almost like some sort of crowning achievement earned through years of hardship when in fact it was your damn parents who bought you you biscuit-tin on wheels. Without sounding like a crazy old coot shouting at children to get off my front garden, I have yet to be in a car with a driver my age who ISN'T a complete maniac. It's almost as if getting from A to B is not only important, but it's fatally urgent.
Anyway I'm tired. Night all.