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Stuck in Uni for another 4 hours

So Mondays I have a lesson 2-3 and then another 6-8. Unfortunately the bus I catch is every half hour and so if I was to, by the time I get home it would be time to leave again. So I'm stuck in uni using MSN 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.

So it's been an hour already and I've finished all my reading, handed in library books and now surfing web comics. Penny-Arcade and Least I Could Do delivers, as usual. I checked out Ctrl-Alt-Del's new comics before, which I haven't done in a few weeks. For those who don't know it's now turned into a soap opera, right down to the suspected cheating and make up beach wedding thereafter. VG Cats updates about as regularly as a constipated squirrel, so nothing new there.

I've also found that a lot of websites are bought on the sheer chance of accidentally misspelling a URL. The keyboard I'm using is filthy so I'm trying to maintain as little contact as possible. I tried to access CAD, but left out the R in Ctrl, and just now EuroGamer, spelt Eruogamer. Both times I'm sent to a credit authenticating site that sends about 3 popups for screensavers. I remember the good old days when you just got "address not found".