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Been tagged by Teenaged, so here's my >10 facts about myself:

1. My favourite games are Final Fantasy VII, the Monkey Island series, Persona 3-4 and the original Tomb Raider on PSone. I used to trade in games that I finished/got bored of but since I get next to nothing and I always end up craving playing some of them again at one time or another, I've started (re)collecting them. I currently own over 180 hard copies of games and over 50 online straight-to-harddrive games.

2. I'm a big fan of anime. My love of manga and anime began in 2004 when I got two volumes of Love Hina for my birthday, which has remained to be my favourite manga of all time. My favourite genre is harem, such as; Love Hina, Asu no Yoichi, Amaenaideyo, Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun, Rosario + Vampire, Toradora!, and Clannad.

3. I plan to move to Japan a year this summer. I'm joining the JET Programme in hopes of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). This will be an enormous step for me, as it will be both my first time in full-time work as well as the first time I move out. I feel that jumping into the deep end like this will do me good as a person. I have no choosing in where I'm located so it can be anywhere from Tokyo to an isolated village in the mountains. My facination with Japan began with my manga obsession (see above). And no, I'm not a weaboo. :P

4. I'm the youngest and only son in my family. I have an older sister. I don't bother with my cousins or uncles on my dad's side due to this favouritism game my grandparents play which has everyone clambering over each other in desperate need to be liked. I haven't spoken to one of my uncles in 6 years despite seeing him at family events all the time. I have never met anyone apart from one uncle on my mum's side of the family.

5. I have a mild fear of mannaquins. It's apparently a variant on pediophobia - the fear of dolls.

6. I play guitar and doodle in my spare time.

7. I'm in my final year at uni. My course is combined honours Psychology with Law, but I wish I took pure Psychology as the Law department simply can't tell their arses from their elbows. I have a very unpopular liking for the works of Freud.

8. My favourite food is a tie between ramen and pizza. I can only eat pizza occassionally because it's one of those things that when I have one, it's extra large with all the trimmings (and stuffed crust), but I can eat ramen until the cows come home. It's like two meals in one, with the noodles and then soup broth left over. Perfect with a soft boiled egg.

9. I used to be bullied a lot. This ended up with me leaving high school (16 years old) at 6 stone (84lbs). I wasn't bulemic or anorexic, I just didn't eat much and have a very fast metabolism. Since then I've been going to the gym and managed to bulk myself up to respectable 12 stone (168lbs). However I still have the frame of a skinny guy, so a lot of people are surprised as to how big I actually am, as I wear baggy clothes that doesn't show a lot off.

That was fun!

I now tag sAndroid17, Deihjan, Funky_Llama, Kleeyook and super_mario_128. :D Chop, chop!