The Creator of this world and universe, more commonly known as God, is a touchy subject to many. To some, God is the be all and end all of all existence; the beginning, middle and end of life. Others believe that such an entity of infinite powers couldn't possibly exist. Regardless, I am examining from the aspect of God's existence from all modern religions - God as an entity that has always been and always will be, the creator of all life and an omnipotent, omnipresence.
If indeed God was to have always been, then it is without question that there was a period before Earth and our Solar System was formed. To place a definite timeline on when God chose to do so, in reference to how long prior to it's existence, would be impossible. However nearly all religions have their own version of Genesis. The question that remains to many is: why did God choose to do so? Indeed, if the theistic belief that everything happens for a reason, or that God has a "plan", then God must have had a reason or reasons for creating such a vast, complex universe.
Going off the Christian belief of Genesis, God created man in his own image. It is prevalent that man is not as powerful as a deity, therefore it must be concluded that God made man in his own image, but without the power. This act is not only a sign of classic narcissism, but also a strong indicator of a superiority complex. If God could indeed create the entire universe (some beliefs claim within a week) then it is evident he could also destroy it just as easily - and God evidently did not want this competition. So what purpose do these lesser clones of God serve? If God is indeed as omnipotent as it is claimed, and Genesis is an example of this, then surely anything a human could do, God would surpass with the greatest of ease? It is therefore concluded that God created these lesser clones to only worship Him. God, in effect, has created a mirror image of Himself that also worships him. A living, ego-pleasing mirror.
As previously stated, God is said to be all loving. It is also said that God has a plan, or "moves in mysterious ways". Most of the older, more traditional scriptures of religion depict God as being incredibly vengeful, particularly to non-believers. This schizophrenic display of emotions leads me to believe that God is bipolar. He appears to have very little control over His own emotions, despite the seemingly infinite power He possesses. Should defiance of the existence or the rules set by God, such events as the slaughter of every first born or indeed the Apocalypse. If indeed God did proclaim the rule "thou shall not kill", then God would be setting the claim of "do as I say, not as I do".
The universe and the laws that govern it are so complex that humans, clones of God, are still struggling to comprehend a minute part of the place in which we hold even after thousands of years of existence. These laws are fixed and apply to everything and everyone. It has to be concluded then that these laws are not only created by the Creator, but are done at such a degree of detail that only a true genius could have thoroughly carried out such a task. However, that is not to say it is perfect. Had God in fact created the Earth and all His worshipers, why then would he create a Sun which would eventually burn out and consume us all? Judging by how long it would actually take for the Sun to do such a thing (some several hundred billion years) then it can be argued that God didn't actually have the foresight to such an event. Therefore, while God is indeed possibly the most ingenious entity in existence, his IQ is in fact finite.
In conclusion: God, should He indeed exist, would most likely be a flawed entity. Very egotistic and bipolar, He would unconditionally love all creatures great and small one minute, and then smite heretics with natural disasters the next. To most, God is one entity (with exceptions such as Hinduism) and has always existed. Therefore He was essentially self-reared. He had no parents or guardians to teach him morals or discpline - He made them up Himself. What God appears to be is an essentric genius. He may have the capacity to create the entire universe, but His emotions can easily get the better of him.
NOTE: I did this out of sheer "because I can"-ism. I don't mean to cause offense. :P