I feel like bloggin my gaming habits. Dunno why.
So I rarely trade in anything. I wouldn't necessary cIass myself as a "collector" as I actually play the games I buy, instead of leaving them in their shrink wrapping, only get the Special Edition of things if it's A) not that much expensive then the regular edition, B) is asthetically pleasing and C) readily available. I have never waited for something overnight, ever. Anyway, back to trading in. It's not that I want to create this huge collection of games to show off in the nerd equivilant of shoving a sock down your trousers; it's just I know that I'll want to come back to that game at a much later date on one of my random cravings. At the moment I really miss this old PSone game Monster Rancher.
I play games for as long as I find them interesting. If I complete a game, that is merely coincidental. Unfortunately it is becoming more regular with recent games, where they end up shoving "filler" to stretch out a game. One that pops to mind was No More Heroes, with that utterly stupid job sections in between missions. So...I'm a paid assassin...who has to pay to take jobs in order to be paid? So I become really bored as the game feels less like fun and more like a chore. A break in this trend was Metal Gear Solid 4, but in my defense it took me by surprise as to how little of the game I actually got to play. In MGS4's defense it was the best movie I have ever played.
First person shooters are brilliant, and I am admittably quite good at them, but I hate the community surrounding it for the most part. Just because I killed you does not mean I'm "haxxors" and neither am I a homosexual (though how you make the connection between the two is beyond me). The greatest genre on the planet is a tie between JRPGs and Point & Click adventure games.
Anyway, I've run out of things to say about my gaming habits, so I'll just mention that the new DragonForce album is brilliant especially the "making of" documentary.