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Tinnitus Sanctus


Literally "To Ring Holy" or something (I'm using Babelfish), this is German power metaller Edguy's latest album.

It would be more accurate to describe Edguy as a hard rock/power metal fusion, especially with their newer stuff, but this comes with both it's upsides and downsides. The downside is that doing both will undoubtedly annoy the living hell out of the purists and nostalgic elitists who will cry that "they're not as good as they used to be". The upside is that they can pull off both competently.

The move to hard rock was a strange move, but not a bad one. Their last album, Rocket Ride, was a solid hard rock album but not what you'd expect from Edguy. Compared to their last outings there was next to no solos, were slower and the lyrics had moved to a more lewd theme. This time round, they've ironed out all the creases and almost perfectly fused power metal and hard rock in a magnificent array of prostitute shaggin, sword waving delight.

I say "almost perfect" because there are still some exceptions. Dragonfly's chorus feels incredibly awkward, almost like it was forced into the song.

You wanna fly so you drag on flies
Drag on dragonflies
From a suffocating room on a dragonfly
You're riding high when you nasalize
What you pulverize
Make your day and dream away on a dragonflyDragonfly

However, this is the only song on the album I really have a problem with. Thorn Without A Rose is a great ballad and Aren't You A Little Pervert Too? shows off Edguy's versatility and trademark humour with a spaghetti country-esque homage to Tobias's penis (like a lot of songs).

Tinnitus Sanctus isn't Edguy's best album, but it definitely sits comfortably within their top 3 albums (next to Hellfire Club and Mandrake). Incredibly epic songs like Pride of Creation and 9-2-9 simply carry it by themselves and certainly make it one of the more accessible albums for anyone new to the band.
