So I suppose I should start a blog. I already have one going that I update sporadically but that's more of a group effort than my own. Not sure who would read this either or how you'd stumble across it but the sexy people in OT should stop by and say hi if they wanted. Any religious debates or girl problems shall be glared at until I figure out how the bloody hell I work this thing properly.
Anyway for those who don't know (ie. everyone): this is me
Courtesy of the OT Photobucket. Kinda wierd actually, my original photo had my friend in it, but he has since been photoshopped out which tells me some random stranger has spent time working on my photo...
With this being Gamespot and a blog, I guess I should blog about games then...I have been invited to play in the Quake Live beta and my first impressions are pretty dull. The game itself plays within your browser, which is kinda funky, but the novelty wears off pretty quick when you have to download data everytime it loads up. Essentially this game is just Quake III and the people playing it are the same foaming at the mouth trigger happy nutters who still play Counter Strike 1.6. It's hard to guage how this game fairs out on a regular critical level when you spawn constantly in front of someone with 200 armour and a perfectly aimed rocket aimed at that young supple flesh you've grown so fond of. If I was to rate it on the few hours that I've played so far, I'd rate it a 5 or 6. I could see this being a 7 or 8 IF you're good at it.
I also picked up Alone In The Dark on the PC on the cheap from GAME. I can tell from the offstart that this game was made for the console market, mainly because of the control scheme as well as the fact it's the only PC game I've come across that doesn't create a shortcut on the desktop after installing as well as you have to exit the goddamn game before it'll change any display settings. I am delighted, however, that the main character isn't the guy on the front of the box at all, but the red indian feller from Prey.
Well, anyway I've waffled on for too long. Perhaps in vain. Prove me wrong, leave me a comment, if only to say hi.
- Tamachan87
PS. I'm well aware that that isn't my username here, but it's my username everywhere else.