Seriously. Everytime someone does a "My computer is acting wierd" thread, someone will inevitably jump up and down telling you the wonders of Linux and how much better it is then Microsoft/Apple.
I've tried 3 different versions of Linux. Ubuntu, which won't load on this computer for god knows what reason, won't detect the internet, and can bearly run Firefox without dying on it's arse. Fedora, which decided my 8800GT graphics card couldn't handle the LOG ON SCREEN and so I had to sift through DOS like command lines in order to shut down. And finally something called Musix, which was the only one that would work for more than 20 mins, but after which decided to delete the sound off the system tray and give out System Errors like confetti at a wedding.
I don't know if I'm supposed to know the complete inside workings of Linux in order to understand how great it is, but I feel that I shouldn't have to. Any program which slogan is "the operating system for humans" or whatever it was, should live up to that promise.
I feel that a lot of Linux OSs and programs simply exist for the "because I can" factor. Linux systems are fine for people who know how to use them, but for the rest of us who just want to do some work or play a quick game of TF2, it's just unnecessary hassle.