Well, I've already got Yakuza 3 preordered after playing the awesome demo, but some more news has just come out.
Sega are "localising" the game.
Anyone who watches anime knows the pain up the backside that is localisation. In the hands of people who want to make the product as widespread as possible; characters personalities can take complete U-turns, key plot points are omitted and sometimes the entire story can be different. All this in the name of making it more appealing to eastern/western audiences.
So what's Sega done? Well for starters they omitted a Japanese history quiz. Fair enough, I don't expect many westerners to know Japanese historical figures like Oda Nobunaga just as I don't expect the average Japanese person to know about King Richard III. What else? Host bars are taken out.
For those who don't know, host bars are just regular bars where you "rent" someone to keep you company. And no, I don't mean "keep you company" as in prostitution, I mean literally just sit, chat and drink with you.
I can't really see this being a problem. Apparently they're going to keep the story coherent to not need host bars but it does seem like being a strange move. It's like taking cockney accents out of The Getaway.
Anyone else getting this game?