Okay, sooooooo this is my 1st time ever on medication for my anger problems and so far it's been okay. I've just been a little, okay, a lot loopy and stupider than usual. I mean I'm like spacing out more, but I'm like more mellow, too, you know? Like the little things don't bother me as much. 1st time thar I've gone a day in school without cussing someone out for something or other. Also, the 1st time I've sleep through 2 classes straight (I woke up just in time for lunch =D) But that's not my medication's fault, that's Saiga-san. He's this semi-cool guy. By semi-cool I mean he can be cool sometimes and a total @ss at other times. But anyways, this dude kept me up late so yeah, that's why I slept a lot. Come to think of it, this medication makes me talk a lot more when I'm not spacing out. Maybe I should try a new medication... oh well. So far, i like this sh!t.
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