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This dude Kagura-chan loves

Have you ever had that one friend that always fell for this guy who always seemed to be making her cry? Well, Kagura-chan fell for this sort of guy and his name is Saiga-san. She loves him with all of her heart, poor thing. I've met this guy myself and I can say I have mixed feelings for him. On one hand, I can see why she loves him. He can be very sweet, kind, charming and all of that good sh!t. But on the other hand, he's cowardly, sometimes extremely boring, forgets about her constantly, self-centered, shallow, and crap like that. If he didn't treat Kagura-chan the way he does sometimes, I'd give him an A+ with flying colors, but he is just down right rude to her sometimes. He says he cares about her but does what is worst for her and doesn't consider her feelings like now for instance. She told him about the mutliple (and I mean multiple, there is at least 15) times that he told her to go die. Turns out she tried several of them in an attempt to make him happy. So he freaks out and says he'll never talk to either one of us again because it's "best for Kagura-chan" The funny thing is she has never been more depressed and sudical in her life, the exact opposite of what he wanted. I love it when life throws you curve balls. But anyways, she thinks he's raging mad at her and hates her guts and wants her to die. She also believes that she's a failure at everything, ugly, fat, and should have never been born. What do you know? She's gone back to her earlier self-loathing I spent months training her to overcome. She was the happiest she'd ever been since he broke up with her because of "the distance" (I myself think it's because he thinks she's ugly. She's not, she's hot with a captial H!) and then he had to go and stop being friends with her again! Right after he promised that they'd be friends forever. So her heart is broken again, for like what? the 26th or 27th time at least. I mean, he should have stayed being friends with her because that wasn't adversly affecting Kagura-chan, it was doing great things for her in fact, but he likes to be Mr. Negative when it comes to her and can only think of all of the bad things, which are far less than the good things, so even when she was crying and pleading with him to still be her friend, he said no, which I think is heartless considering who Kagura-chan is. She's a very cheerful and open-hearted girl. She trusts everyone and she trusted him when he told her they'd be friends forever. Unforunately, she has a deathly fear of being lied to because she's been lied to and taken advantage of countless times. It's quite sad actually. I thought they made a cute couple myself and thought he really did care about her, I guess I was wrong. Maybe I'm not as good at judging people as I thought. I just wish he'd make up with her before it's too late... I'm scared for her, I really am. She's been really stressed out lately and this has just made it worse because she is so in love with him it's not even funny. I don't understand why she loves him anymore, I used to, but if she deals with this all the time, I don't think I'd be able to handle it, especially how he forgets things he does all the time, especially when they are bad things. But hey, that's just me. To each their own, right? If he makes her happy, I guess I have to go only with it.... Hopefully for the better, even though I doubt it can get any worse