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Multiplayer Math

Inspired by bad multiplayer experiences, made simple, share your own math if you wish good or bad.

Call of Duty Black Ops ( Online shooters in general) :
Bad Math:
- Poor kills + many deaths = Cussing players out on all sides ( He needs to show he is a man somehow)
- Enemies skill > yours = Kamikaze ( This way you can say you weren't serious)
- Most kills + ignoring the flag carrier = your playing the wrong game ( Try Free for all or Death match)
- Mic + Loud music = 95.7 The Call for Duty your most useless music while playing ( Use headphones or just don't have your mic on)

Good Math:
- Mic + calling out enemy sightings,etc = Your doing it right
- New player + sticking with the team = your doing it right
- Poor K/D ratio + Capture the flag victory = you did something right

League of Legends:
Bad Math:
- 20mins to play + queuing for a match = why?
- 70's super computer + slow internet = you enjoy pain and causing it
- unintentional feeding + intentional feeding = You were ok but now you're just plain bad
- Soloing + Team game = Godlike mentality (word being mentality as in you think you are but you really aren't)
- level 5 friend + level 30 match = You hate your friend or like pain
- Tank + running from team fights = Choose a new champion
- New Champion + normal match = really? (Try practice first maybe?)
- Support Ult + saving for yourself = Your the I in team ( oh wait no I in team? that because you're not part of it like that)

Good Math:
- Garen + Bushes = Demacia!
- Tank + Sacrifice = Good tank
- 4 support/nuke + you choose tank = team player
- Support Ult + Team member = team player

World of Warcraft:
Bad Math:
- Battlegrounds + Solo = thank you for the loss
- Battlegrounds + AFK = above comment
- Raid/dungeon fight + boss - knowledge - letting others know = Thank you for the wipe
- Battleground + fighting on roads - fighting on flags = GG 3 cap
- What's slow? + Demo's = Titan Relic is vulnerable (1min and 30sec in)

Good Math:
- Defending + Battlegrounds = Win
- Raid + Knowledge = Epic Lootz

Enter Nero

Contains minor spoilers.

Currently on mission 19, here is where we get to see Gamespots "Boss fights are repeated far to often" while fighting
the one and only Berial again. Since the first time I fought him I hated him, 2 fight was pretty fun with Dante, wasn't as annoying but now I have to face him yet again with Nero. But its all cool ill whoop him once I find out a good way to pwn his ass, which I havent...incredibly.
Let me get to the point, Gamespot pointed out that enviroments were repeated far to often, well if you look at it closesly you might come to find a possible reason for this. Nero didn't defeat the bosses he simpley weakend them, Dante was left to finish them off. I have a theory that they wanted to show us that even thow Nero is strong he still isn't Dante. Im glad we didn't see a Nero who was as strong as Dante who surpassed his father, it would be quite cheesy to see Nero who released the Devil Bringer not to far back (possibly a couple months) be stronger then Dante. Altough we see the same enviroments again they provide us with different puzzles, in the end I didnt really care that the enviroment was the same due to the new puzzles or challenges and the character being Dante who makes you forget about your surroundings with his Pandora/Gilgamesh/Lucifer.

Finish line becomes starting line.

Well im on mission 13 and I understand why Gamespot said the enviroments and boss fights are repetitive, but to be honest they arent that much... a little back and forth here and there and when you switch to Dante you have to go back the way you came it seems but you are playing a different character and possibly new bosses so I really do not care. It has its fair shares of puzzle's that can be annoying but its like any other game, easy puzzles sometimes = boring. The story is great and keeps me playing more then I said I would, it pulls you in. It was a shame to part with the "Devil Bringer" but playing Dante = just as much fun even thow Devil Bringer is extremly useful. Up till now I have loved every boss fight, they are extremly fun and add a lot of satisfaction when you take em down. I understand part of Gamespots reasoning for not giving 9.0 or more but 8.0 still seems to low for a game that shows little flaw and alot of fun.

Nobody is perfect

For a couple years now I have always chosen Gamespot over magazines and other websites as a game reviewer, nothing has changed but it is quite obvious that nobody is perfect. With that said I consider the new instalation to the Devil May Cry games to have been judged way to quickly by Gamespot and deserving more than 8.0. I have only played the demo but the arguements they are using seem akward to drop it down to 8.0. They said Puzzles weren't much fun...Well Prince of persia had its share of pain in tha ass annoying puzzles that werent fun... Enviroments and boss fights are reapeated far to often they say....Well bring it on, I dont want to spend hours fighting minions who are easily killed, more boss fights = more fun in my opinion, always had fun taking down BAMF's.... Enviroment wise....If the enviroment is beautiful and pulls you in well then whats the problem? of course there are some limits of how much repetion there should be but I at the moment can honestly say that I could walk around an enviroment of DMC4 for hours. Would you prefer running around tons of different crappy enviroments that dont seem to pull you into the game or running around in the same enviroment that drops your jaw... Devil May Cry 4 deserved atleast a 8.5 in my opinion, altough I consider it to be a 9.0 game. This is all based on my playing of the "Demo" so once I buy the game which should be today or tommorow the latest and finish it , if my opinion changes on Gamespot's review then I will write my thoughts but untill then 9.0 is the truth!