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Enter Nero

Contains minor spoilers.

Currently on mission 19, here is where we get to see Gamespots "Boss fights are repeated far to often" while fighting
the one and only Berial again. Since the first time I fought him I hated him, 2 fight was pretty fun with Dante, wasn't as annoying but now I have to face him yet again with Nero. But its all cool ill whoop him once I find out a good way to pwn his ass, which I havent...incredibly.
Let me get to the point, Gamespot pointed out that enviroments were repeated far to often, well if you look at it closesly you might come to find a possible reason for this. Nero didn't defeat the bosses he simpley weakend them, Dante was left to finish them off. I have a theory that they wanted to show us that even thow Nero is strong he still isn't Dante. Im glad we didn't see a Nero who was as strong as Dante who surpassed his father, it would be quite cheesy to see Nero who released the Devil Bringer not to far back (possibly a couple months) be stronger then Dante. Altough we see the same enviroments again they provide us with different puzzles, in the end I didnt really care that the enviroment was the same due to the new puzzles or challenges and the character being Dante who makes you forget about your surroundings with his Pandora/Gilgamesh/Lucifer.