Finish line becomes starting line.
by Akagen on Comments
Well im on mission 13 and I understand why Gamespot said the enviroments and boss fights are repetitive, but to be honest they arent that much... a little back and forth here and there and when you switch to Dante you have to go back the way you came it seems but you are playing a different character and possibly new bosses so I really do not care. It has its fair shares of puzzle's that can be annoying but its like any other game, easy puzzles sometimes = boring. The story is great and keeps me playing more then I said I would, it pulls you in. It was a shame to part with the "Devil Bringer" but playing Dante = just as much fun even thow Devil Bringer is extremly useful. Up till now I have loved every boss fight, they are extremly fun and add a lot of satisfaction when you take em down. I understand part of Gamespots reasoning for not giving 9.0 or more but 8.0 still seems to low for a game that shows little flaw and alot of fun.