Akagen / Member

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Nobody is perfect

For a couple years now I have always chosen Gamespot over magazines and other websites as a game reviewer, nothing has changed but it is quite obvious that nobody is perfect. With that said I consider the new instalation to the Devil May Cry games to have been judged way to quickly by Gamespot and deserving more than 8.0. I have only played the demo but the arguements they are using seem akward to drop it down to 8.0. They said Puzzles weren't much fun...Well Prince of persia had its share of pain in tha ass annoying puzzles that werent fun... Enviroments and boss fights are reapeated far to often they say....Well bring it on, I dont want to spend hours fighting minions who are easily killed, more boss fights = more fun in my opinion, always had fun taking down BAMF's.... Enviroment wise....If the enviroment is beautiful and pulls you in well then whats the problem? of course there are some limits of how much repetion there should be but I at the moment can honestly say that I could walk around an enviroment of DMC4 for hours. Would you prefer running around tons of different crappy enviroments that dont seem to pull you into the game or running around in the same enviroment that drops your jaw... Devil May Cry 4 deserved atleast a 8.5 in my opinion, altough I consider it to be a 9.0 game. This is all based on my playing of the "Demo" so once I buy the game which should be today or tommorow the latest and finish it , if my opinion changes on Gamespot's review then I will write my thoughts but untill then 9.0 is the truth!