Say Hype1s lineup is the best ever in console history, Hypefall is the most awarded game at E3 ever, over 100 E3 hype awards... Can't wait to see how this plays out after launch. I will die laughing if it all falls apart. But hey if they live up to it good for them for not sucking for once.
Bioware is the Charlie Sheen of developers. Give it a couple years ( and a decrease in profits) and they will admit they were wrong also, until then they will just keep believing they are "Winning!"
"Cause even a blueprint is a gift and a curse, Cause once you got a theory of how the thing works, Everybody wants the next thing to be just like the first."
As an artist I can easily say you are wrong to say that if they change something it ceases to be art ( at leas in my opinion). As artists we strive to improve ourselves, even the masters know they will never stop learning. Homes, cars, appliances, electronics are also all art in their own sense and we still have add-ons for all of these things to IMPROVE them in certain areas, increase functionality or personalize it so what's to say video games are any different? I bought a game and the ending in my opinion is full of plot holes, doesn't feel like Mass Effect at all and gives a feeling of being forced into an ending Bioware chose. A large number of people who bought the game are asking for something simple, an add-on for those who weren't happy. If you liked the ending good for you, don't buy the DLC this would be for the apparent large number who weren't satisfied with the ending. We aren't asking for them to change the canon story just give us choices that show what we did mattered. If Bioware chooses to ignore it's customers and go with your reasoning Laura it will lose a large number of it's fans and money because honestly that would be bad business.
Akagen's comments