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Aki_Kitsune Blog

My yearly update.

Once again, great month. So, I've got another girlfriend. Cause, you know, in High School, things happen and you don't always work out with the old one. But thing is, I got a hair cut, and suddenly there were girls all over me. So I'll have to say this. That hair cut was one of the best things to ever happen to me....ever. Who knows if I will get anything else nice...although I have been eyeing a larger mem stick for my PSP which I bought over the summer with the money I got from building a new deck for my which my job was to dig because the old deck was resting on the ground that no one else decided to dig.

December is a good month for me.

Ok lets start with what I got this month.
1. A Fullmetal Alchemist hoodie
2. Some cool 'arm warmers' with these little belts on them that have metal studs.
3. A Nintendo DS
4. Animal Crossing: Wild World.
5. A girlfriend.
I've said it before but I'm going to say it again. December is just a really good month for me! Every December something really great happens, and I'm not just talking about getting x-mas gifts...because you really can't call it a x-mas gift if you don't get a few of this things...number 5...on x-mas now can you?

I made a review!

Thats right! I made a review! Sure it's kind of crappy and short but it's for Megaman Legends and I felt bad that the site is being mean to it and not helping it show up on certain lists! Oh and I plan on getting a DS this xmas just to play Animal Crossing Wild World. Wish me luck on getting the money! ^_^

Don't update this ^_^

Yep! That's true! Well I play games..a lot of games..but I don't find the I care enough about thi community to really go all out and update a lot. I mean I can talk with people here but it's not like I really feel a connection to this place like some do. Oh..and I was invited into a Union so now I am a member of something I didn't even know existed.

So..tired...and don't know what to play.

I stayed up...a lot. and well I've got to a part in Star Ocean 3 that I know what I should be doing..but my lazyness is making me not play...oh well..I'll get back eventually lol. I n oher gf keeps leaving stuff here when she comes over...but it's never something I really want to have with me! I mean I get socks (small ones cause her feet are small and cute) and the occasional necklace..but...dude! My dad's gf..(who is 23 I might add...and very cute...and my dad is like 43 so look at that age difference.....) left her bra in his car...that's like...DUDE! But oh well...I guess I find something to do if no one is on to talk to when I turn on MSN messenger. Bai guys!

~Aki Kitsune

Teh first

Ok guys...I'll just talk about SO3...heh. First CT I get is in the first battle in the simualtor...Win with Exact oh and in the fight with Shelby (Can't spell name..) I got 3 BT! I got Kill 3 at same time, Beat x boss in less then a minuet, and Beat x boss w/o taking damage. I'm at 39 BT right now...but I still need to play a lot more...I'm just passivly collecting the BTs so don't expect a lot until later...BAI!