Aki_Kitsune Blog
December is a good month for me.
by Aki_Kitsune on Comments
1. A Fullmetal Alchemist hoodie
2. Some cool 'arm warmers' with these little belts on them that have metal studs.
3. A Nintendo DS
4. Animal Crossing: Wild World.
5. A girlfriend.
I've said it before but I'm going to say it again. December is just a really good month for me! Every December something really great happens, and I'm not just talking about getting x-mas gifts...because you really can't call it a x-mas gift if you don't get a few of this things...number 5...on x-mas now can you?
I made a review!
by Aki_Kitsune on Comments
Don't update this much..lol ^_^
by Aki_Kitsune on Comments
Yep! That's true! Well I play games..a lot of games..but I don't find the I care enough about thi community to really go all out and update a lot. I mean I can talk with people here but it's not like I really feel a connection to this place like some do. Oh..and I was invited into a Union so now I am a member of something I didn't even know existed.
So..tired...and don't know what to play.
by Aki_Kitsune on Comments
I stayed up...a lot. and well I've got to a part in Star Ocean 3 that I know what I should be doing..but my lazyness is making me not play...oh well..I'll get back eventually lol. I n oher news..my gf keeps leaving stuff here when she comes over...but it's never something I really want to have with me! I mean I get socks (small ones cause her feet are small and cute) and the occasional necklace..but...dude! My dad's gf..(who is 23 I might add...and very cute...and my dad is like 43 so look at that age difference.....) left her bra in his car...that's like...DUDE! But oh well...I guess I find something to do if no one is on to talk to when I turn on MSN messenger. Bai guys!
~Aki Kitsune
Teh first
by Aki_Kitsune on Comments
Ok guys...I'll just talk about SO3...heh. First CT I get is in the first battle in the simualtor...Win with Exact Damage...lol oh and in the fight with Shelby (Can't spell name..) I got 3 BT! I got Kill 3 at same time, Beat x boss in less then a minuet, and Beat x boss w/o taking damage. I'm at 39 BT right now...but I still need to play a lot more...I'm just passivly collecting the BTs so don't expect a lot until later...BAI!
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