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Profession Guide - Hunter

Hunters are one of the most fun classes to play in WoW. Usually in the company of your pet, you will never feel lonely. Their surviving abilities are well known and respected. While leveling Hunters can wear leather gear and on higher levels they will get to wear mail. Leatherworking and Skinning These two are the best suited professions for a Hunter. Hunters can easily grind animals which they can skin so leveling Skinning won't be any problem. Leatherworking will follow it easily. On higher levels with Leatherworking you can craft nice leather gear for Druids and Rogues and also really good mail gear for yourself, other Hunters and Shamans. Another useful thing a Leatherworker can make are Armor Kits. Armor Kits are used to enhance parts of your gear with stats. These are useful while you are leveling and on higher levels Leg Armors that Leatherworkers can make are a need. In example Icescale Leg Armor would be great to boost your stats since when attached to your pants will give you more attack power and critical strike rating. Skinning will also give you Master of Anatomy buff which will increase your critical strike rating by 32. Nice boost for your char isn't it? Engineering and Mining Engineering and Mining are another great combo of professions used quite commonly by Hunters. Hunters have the ability called Feign Death which is really useful when you see that your group is about to wipe or if you just simply want to leave the combat. Gnomish Army Knife is a useful skill an Engineer has. With it a Hunter Engineer could return a death party member back to life. Weakness Spectralizers are a nice piece of gear that you could make for yourself as well with Engineering. With Engineering you could make nice guns and ammunition and also a lot of other nice and handy gadgets. Mining also has a new buff - Toughness. This buff will increase you Stamina by 50. Other Combinations like Jewelcrafting and Mining, Herbalism and Alchemy are always nice to have since they could be useful in various ways. Gems are always nice to have and with higher skill in Jewelcrafting and by doing the daily quests in Dalaran one can learn how to craft many nice gems and also unique-equipped. Alchemy and Herbalism is always nice since a Hunter also needs mana and health potions and also agility elixirs and flasks. It is nice to have these professions for raiding and also for grinding. Inscription and Herbalism is a new combination which could be fun to level up and also useful because you could craft many useful Glyphs and Scrolls. Enchanting could go well with a Hunter since this profession is quite useful for all classes. Everybody needs enchants and Disenchanting, which you get with Enchanting is really a gold savior. It is a very profitable profession since all valuable items that you get from disenchanting and which you don't need for enchanting yourself you could easily sell on the Auction House. The only problem with leveling Enchanting is that it takes too long and requires lot of gold to be spent on it.

Alliance: How to make gold at low levels for Mining and Herbalism

Leveling mining and herbalism are the two easiest ways of earning gold at low levels. Selling ore and herbs on the Auction House is a good way to get a nice amount of gold as you are leveling up. It is even quite useful to farm gold like this on higher levels. It is an advice that you download the Gatherer addon which will track all of your discovered ores and herbs so you don't have to roam around trying to remember where a vein or a herb was on the map. Mining Where to find the trainers? Mining trainers can be located: Brock Stoneseeker (Loch Modan) Dank Dizzlecut (Dun Morogh) Dulvi (Azuremyst Isle) Gelman Stonehand (Stormwind City) Geofram Bouldertoe (City of Ironforge) Hurnak Grimmord (Hellfire Peninsula) Kurdram Stonehammer (Darkshore) Matt Johnson (Duskwood) Muaat (The Exodar) Yarr Hammerstone (Dun Morogh) Best areas to mine: Best areas where you can mine Copper ore are Dun Morogh and Elwynn Forest. For Tin ore you should scour the eastern parts of the Redridge Mountains and Loch Modan. For Iron ore and Gold ore it is recommend to go to Alterac Mountains. Other places like Ashenvale, Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highliands and Badlands are also nice. For Mithril ore and Truesilver ore you should go to Highperch located in the Thousand Needles. Badlands is also a good location for Mithril ores. The best area there is Lethlor Ravine. Best places for Thorium ore and Dark Iron ore are Searing Gorge and the Burning Steppes. Herbalism Where to find the trainers? Herbalism trainers can be located: Alma Jainrose (Redridge Mountains) Brant Jasperbloom (Dustwallow Marsh) Cemorrhan (The Exodar) Cylania Rootstalker (Ashenvale) Firodren Mooncaller (Darnassus) Flora Silverwind (Stranglethorn Vale) Herbalist Pomeroy (Elwynn Forest) Heur (Azuremyst Isle) Kali Healtouch (Loch Modan) Malorne Bladeleaf (Teldrassil) Malvor (Moonglade) Morae (Bloodmyst Isle) Reyna Stonebranch (Ironforge) Shylamir (Stormwind) Tannysa (Stormwind City) Telurinon Moonshadow (Wetlands) Uma Bartulm (Dustwallow Marsh) Best areas to find herbs: Best areas to find Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot erbalism are Elwynn Forest and Teldrassil. Continue to Westfall for more of the Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot and you will also find Mageroyal. Redridge Mountains and Stonetalon Mountains are the best areas for Bruiseweed and also in the North part of Stonetalon you will be able to find Kingsblood and Wild Steelbloom. Duskwood is also rich in these two. Fadeleaf can be found in Arathi Highlands, Alterac Mountains and the Hinterlands. The herb heaven, aka the Swamp of Sorrows, is home to Khadgar's Whiskers in example and a lot more different herbs. Feralas is a nice area for Sungrass.