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AkioHirokai Blog

Take a good life lesson here, kids

Never, EVER, skip classes. even if you are at the top of your game. I've skipped my science class for 2 weeks now and its kicking my ass now. I mean, im still top notch in class but my reputation as a student has gone kaput. Skippin can get you expelled, thankfully im not, but it's not worth the risk

this is what needs to happen!

SQUARE ENIX NEEDS TO RELEASE FF13 VERSUS ASAP!!! This could be a cleaning redemption for the Final Fantasy series... after the last few games (FF11, 12, 13 and 14) we NEED a new game to blow us away. make us crave the Final Fantasy series like we did with FF1 through 10!

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Yeesh! What a crazy past few weeks. This has been a wild ride on the part of world news, personal accomplishments and as well, gaming news.

Well, starting off with my highest priorities: World News (yeah thats right, im socially aware!). Canada's having a federal election! Im only 17 so i dont get to vote... sadly... but if i could, i would vote NDP (For all you stupid people, that stands for New Democratic Party) They stand for a very socialistic economy. Sure, free public programs mean higher taxes, but if that means that my university tuition is going to be cheaper, i'm willing to do it!

In other news... OSAMA HAS BEEN KILLED... yeah everyone knows at this point... moving on...

In my personal life, i just got myself a longboard. Named it Oroboros. I DO know how to ride a longboard but i mess up sometimes. Messed up pretty bad on thursday and pretty much ripped my knee apart. Hahaha, on top of that, i went snowboarding on friday and saturday. Funny story though: When i was snowboarding on saturday, my knee was really killing me so i went into the lodge to clean it up and put on some new gauze. While i was applying the alcohol to the cut, this girl came over and asked what happened. I told her what happened with my longboard. She looked at my knee, then at me and said, and i quote, "I dont know how much i can help but.." he points her hands at my knee "Curaga..." I seriously could NOT stop laughing.

And onto my gaming news: Portal 2. I. AM. SATISFIED. Once again though, short... very short... but trying to get all throphies is worth playing it over and over and over again! Sadly, the PSN is STILL offline! Im not worried about credit card info though cuz i only buy prepaid PSN cards so... WINNER!!!

April 12, 2011

Hello again! time for another one of AkioHirokai's updates!

Well, dissidia has turned me back onto itself. I've finished the (once again, flat) story mode and now im just working to unlock the goodies. I'm a tifa main cuz i like her feint ability. as well, i unlocked a BGM "God in Fire" that is just EPIC! yeah... just kinda continuing with that game now that i found a *cough* "Method," lets call it, to import all my items from dissidia 1.

AT LAST! i beat p3p... and... i... cried... so badly... and... NOW ON TO PLAYING IT THROUGH ANOTHER 3 TIMES!!! WHOO!

Im on the last level of The 3rd birthday... cant bring myself to play through it though. after seeing Aya kill her own husband... god i feel awful!

Lastly, my greatest achievement, i now am able to fully experience kingdom hearts 1 and 2! praise be to emulation and PS3 drivers for PC. I'm really digging this game. feels like Legend of Zelda with skills in stead of items. But as much as im liking this game, its REALLY hard to take it seriously with disney characters.... i mean, donald duck's voice was NOT designed to say the word "Sephiroth" and yet... oh, god, how i laughed

My new babies!

No, I didn't get my girlfriend pregnant. Im talking about my HIGHLY anticipated Dissidia 012 and The 3rd Birthday releases.

Dissidia 012... im sad to say.... im kinda... dissapointed... I mean, sure i can import all my lvl 100 characters from the original dissidia but... my items are gone... my accessories are gone... sigh... sad face... but i do like the new assist system but... awww... what a let down... but im pretty glad i got it

The 3rd birthday... Now, THATS what im talking about! this game is awesome! i mean, sure it can be frustratingly difficult sometimes but its pretty worth it cuz i L-O-V-E Aya Brea. An absolutely hot girl and a bonerrific shower scene to boot!

My latest endeavours

Hello readers!

Now I'm here again, after a looong time. Been busy with school and other stuff. Just giving a Low-Down on whazzup in AkioHirokai's world.

Been doing a lot of animation work with this character, "Sintel." If you're into animation and you know how to use blender, i suggest you take a look. (just google it) If you arent into animation, at least watch the video (Youtube search "sintel")

Got myself an Xbox 1. Yeah, that's right, one of the OLD ones. I was a HUGE fan of Jet Set Radio Future about 5 years ago and i found a copy for a buck! so i had to get the xbox... aaand yeah, now im a little bit happier.

Started listening to a band called The Glitch Mob. Pretty cool stuff. If you liked the soundtrack from TRON legacy i highly recomend you take a look at it.

Started up on Assassin's creed: Brotherhood. what a game! but im still raging at ubisoft for doing really sloppy cloth simulation.

I've been hopped up on Creepypasta videos for all of 3 monthes: Haunted Majora's mask, Marble hornets, Every man HYBRID. I LOVE that stuff... not in some creepy kind of psychological masochism way, in a curious way!

YEEEAAAHHH!!! one more week until Dissidia 012!!! This time, im actually gonna be buying it cuz i really wanted to play as cloud in his KH uniform (yes, i pre-ordered it) so i guess im going to have to put the standard firmware BACK onto my psp. ah well, its morally the correct thing to do.

AAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDD..... thats about it

wait... what did you say?... OMG ONE MONTH TILL DUODECIM!!!

AAAAAHHH!!!! (FANSQUEAL) Dissidia duodecim comes out in a month! I cant wait to get my fingers on this one! the psp is so severly understocked on good games like dissidia. crisis core was great.... while it lasted. Phantasy star portable is good when i have nothing to do. P3P.... ok that was, is, and ever will be amazing. But dissidia... ive clocked over 250 hours on that game! RAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! IM SO STOKED!!!!

Febuary 3rd, 2011

Hello readers. Its time for another update. I've recently bought a few games for ps3: Blazblue continuum shift, Assassin's creed 2 and Disgaea 3. and its time for me to do my quick, undereducated review. First off: Assassin's Creed 2. As you all know, I loved Creed 1. As you can imagine, i loved the sequel as well. The new features like armor, weapon and ammo upgrades; the new "last area seen" mechanic; as well as everything else that made this game perfect. As far as story goes, I actually liked this game MORE than Creed1. Aside from Desmond being HORRIBLY protagonistic, the characters seemed pretty legit to me. Ezio seemed much more human than Altair. In the sence that Ezio actually had feelings. He had backstory and character. Altair was a pretty genericly flat character. Even the plot itself was impressive. Creed1 didn't have much plot aside from Altair trying to understand the pieces of eden. Creed2 tweaks it a little. Ezio's father and brothers are wrongfully executed then he, his mother and his sister try to run away so that they might survive. Ezio learns about his family's secrets and their relation to the pieces of eden... wait, im not summarizing the plot, im reviewing this game! Onto gameplay, Creed2 moves faster than 1, thankfully. Ezio's running and climbing speed is faster than Altair's. the new weapons were a nice touch (nothing like secretly poisoning a guard in public and watching him spazz out.) The armor system did annoy me just a little. Some pieces of armor were so overpriced that i couldn't afford them until waaay later in the game. This, combined with the fact that frequent repairs weren't free, left me broke for long periods of time. One final aspect of this game that pisses me right the hell off is the fact that you can't replay story based memories. i'm not gonna delve into it too much because even after you've finished the main story, you can keep playing to pick up any extras you missed. anyway, onto the next game! BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. In all honesty, how can i delve into this game? Its your generic fighting game with SF style controls. Its anime style graphics are nice. Love the soundtrack. Well, i guess i will delve into one little point. I major with Tsubaki... kinda... her mission 3-1 combo has been frustrating me since i started playing. i can pull off every move except the 22A at the end. when i dopull it off, the AI opponent ukemis just as it's about to hit. help please? Disgaea 3. Someone wanna explain what everyone is so happy about? My friend told me to get this game cuz it has an awesome combat system. Really, im NOT impressed. i played 2 battles and i really don't like how it plays out. it feels too much like final fantasy tactics, and i do NOT like that style of gameplay. i'm gonna keep playing though cuz it feels like an awesome SNES game and a shiny new PS3 game AT THE SAME TIME. well, i guess i'll just keep going as-is. I'm reading about some talk of a Persona 5. lets hope this one is true! as well, I'm looking forward to DmC (5) cuz Dante is one of the COOLEST characters out there, and in the new game, he's a teenager. A demon-hunting, Pizza-loving, Gun-And-Sword-Toting, badass: now with hormones! should be interesting, to say the least

New Rant

Hello readers, if there are any... Lemme further explain my situation as far as gaming goes. I own a PSP-2000, A PS3-slim and a first generation white Nintendo Wii. Now, I'm poor so i can't afford many games. Thankfully, science lets me get psp and wii games for free. I still have to buy ps3 games. Dont judge me. So! i started playing Phantasy Star Portable 2. Im both impressed and dissapointed. In the past, I played Phantasy star online for GC and i must admit, PSP2 is a WELL accepted update. I like the shiny-ish new graphics, the smoother gameplay and the storyline much more than its predecessor. One thing that made my nose bleed was the fact that the main character, Emilia, Looks VERY similar to Flandre Scarlet from the Touhou series. And that's another welcome upgrade: colorful characters. PSO characters were flat and uninteresting. PSP2 characters have personality and emotions! In PSO, the timing to press the attack buttons made me just a little sad. It took too long between presses to combo a 3-hit combo. It didn't even work if i numb-thumbed the attack button. PSP2 sped this up SIGNIFICANTLY! It actually lets me button mash in tense situations. And the chain system reminds me deary of my beloved FF XIII combat. I love real-time combat but i also love the ATB\chain system from FFXIII, so PSP2's combat is perfect. And the design of your character! beautiful! Simplistic builds but they actually look COOL! PSO's character design was dull. With minimal selection of customization, i ended up hating my character's appearance. PSP2 lets you pick your clothing colors as well as style! more than one universal costume was welcome in my palms. Animations! This is my meat, being an animator. PSO animations made me CRY! The walk\run cycle was not in time with the speed your character moved, as well, it was just poorly constructed! The herky-jerky movement made some actions seem like dropped frames. PSP2 was better but not perfect. Admittedly, PSP2 has WAY better timing/realism behind movement and actions. Although, Some of the actions- like dancing, taunts etc.- Show visible calculation errors in the bone structures, particularly in the feet. Getting technical here, Your character's bone structure in PSO works a little better than PSP2. Sure, the animations of PSO were bad but they had more potential than PSP2. PSO uses a bone system that is bound to the character mesh and moved using rotational method. PSP2 uses an Inverse Kinematic joint system. IK bones require "goals" to move around. This works for basic movements like walking, picking something up, or waving. PSP2 was able to pull off complex animations (slashes, special moves) very nicely but i felt saddened when i saw JFS (Jiggy foot syndrome) when my character started dancing. Anyway, thats enough about my PSP2 commencement. Ive also started Assassin's Creed Bloodlines... again PSP. This is the first Creed game ive played and honestly, i dont know what everybody's excited about. It's too slow a game. You have to walk everywhere or the guards get mad at you. Im not gonna rant about this game that much cuz i'm hardly analyzing this game at all. Graphically, Bloodlines is the ugliest game i've played in a long time. There are holes in the maps that are very visible from high points. The characters are HORRIDLY ugly. Im done here. I can honestly say, I do not know what is going on as far as plot and characters go in this game. These missions i get sent on seem to go nowhere and I cant connect to any of the characters at all. Animations, however, is amazing. You can interact with damn near anything in the world, using it as footstools to the rooftops. And that makes me happy. I do like the combat, to an extent. Coming up behind someone and silencing them quickly is entertaining. However, I really HATE sword to sword combat. It can be summed up as such: Clang, clang, kill. As usual, I'm continuing my endeavors on P3P. I had to start all over recently due to a save file issue. When i was transferring all my files onto my comp and then back onto the memory card, the saves for p3p got corrupted (Somehow, every other save file survived). But this time, i'm gonna be ready for nyx properly. wish me luck people! ANYWAY! im done now

A random gaming rant

Lets be honest, people. The Play Station series has the best (and widest range) RPG sets of all consoles. PS3= FF14, Heavy Rain, Devil May Cry, White Knight Chronicles... PSP= Dissidia, Patapon, Fate/Unlimited Code, Persona 3 Portable, Crisis Core.... Nintendo Wii = Legend of Zelda (Granted, I'm stoked for Skyward Sword) Nintendo DS= Pokemon (Come on, stop already!) Xbox= Fable? (Is that even worth counting?) XBOX HAS NO PORTABLE DEVICE!!! People tell me to get an Xbox... WHAT FOR??? KINECT?? All i would do with it is use its technology as a nooby motion capture system for my animation class. Despite the fact that I find FPS's easier to play on an Xbox (gotta admit the Xbox controller is better built than the PS3) when i play a fighter game like BlazBlue, i can actually CHALLENGE the #1 player in edmonton (His name's SKRIM or SCRIM.... something like that) I already bought a Wii... its ok... i guess... its motion tracking is crap but the fact is, Legend of Zelda is one of the greatest RPG franchises released to date. I, being a HARDCORE square enix fan, will take a new LoZ game before FF just because LoZ has the most fitting type of gomaplay to my standards. I dont mind turn based RPG's (P3P is GOD) but real-time combat is what i strive for. On the topic of combat systems, FF13's ATB system worked really well in my eyes. Despite that it's recharge time was a little slow, the fact that i could stack attacks as i wanted was perfect. auto battle didnt cut it while fighting bosses. I loved the fact that, even if you didn't use them in your party, all the characters grow evenly. I play as snow because he is KEY in my strategies. The AI for Snow when he's a sentinel is RETARDED. P3P is the only Megami Tensei game ive ever played (and im STILL playing it). I love how this game plays out. Turn based combat really works in this game, except the fact that the idea behind the combat is ridiculous (Shoot yourself in the head and let your spirit attack your enemy). Driven by the engrossing plot, I will see this game to its end (can't beat nyx) and once i do, i will play it over AGAIN in attempt to get messiah. THEN I WILL PLAY IT THROUGH ANOTHER 2 TIMES OVER, AS FEMALE PROTAGONIST! Anywho... that was my rant about games... im done now...