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A random gaming rant

Lets be honest, people. The Play Station series has the best (and widest range) RPG sets of all consoles. PS3= FF14, Heavy Rain, Devil May Cry, White Knight Chronicles... PSP= Dissidia, Patapon, Fate/Unlimited Code, Persona 3 Portable, Crisis Core.... Nintendo Wii = Legend of Zelda (Granted, I'm stoked for Skyward Sword) Nintendo DS= Pokemon (Come on, stop already!) Xbox= Fable? (Is that even worth counting?) XBOX HAS NO PORTABLE DEVICE!!! People tell me to get an Xbox... WHAT FOR??? KINECT?? All i would do with it is use its technology as a nooby motion capture system for my animation class. Despite the fact that I find FPS's easier to play on an Xbox (gotta admit the Xbox controller is better built than the PS3) when i play a fighter game like BlazBlue, i can actually CHALLENGE the #1 player in edmonton (His name's SKRIM or SCRIM.... something like that) I already bought a Wii... its ok... i guess... its motion tracking is crap but the fact is, Legend of Zelda is one of the greatest RPG franchises released to date. I, being a HARDCORE square enix fan, will take a new LoZ game before FF just because LoZ has the most fitting type of gomaplay to my standards. I dont mind turn based RPG's (P3P is GOD) but real-time combat is what i strive for. On the topic of combat systems, FF13's ATB system worked really well in my eyes. Despite that it's recharge time was a little slow, the fact that i could stack attacks as i wanted was perfect. auto battle didnt cut it while fighting bosses. I loved the fact that, even if you didn't use them in your party, all the characters grow evenly. I play as snow because he is KEY in my strategies. The AI for Snow when he's a sentinel is RETARDED. P3P is the only Megami Tensei game ive ever played (and im STILL playing it). I love how this game plays out. Turn based combat really works in this game, except the fact that the idea behind the combat is ridiculous (Shoot yourself in the head and let your spirit attack your enemy). Driven by the engrossing plot, I will see this game to its end (can't beat nyx) and once i do, i will play it over AGAIN in attempt to get messiah. THEN I WILL PLAY IT THROUGH ANOTHER 2 TIMES OVER, AS FEMALE PROTAGONIST! Anywho... that was my rant about games... im done now...