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Febuary 3rd, 2011

Hello readers. Its time for another update. I've recently bought a few games for ps3: Blazblue continuum shift, Assassin's creed 2 and Disgaea 3. and its time for me to do my quick, undereducated review. First off: Assassin's Creed 2. As you all know, I loved Creed 1. As you can imagine, i loved the sequel as well. The new features like armor, weapon and ammo upgrades; the new "last area seen" mechanic; as well as everything else that made this game perfect. As far as story goes, I actually liked this game MORE than Creed1. Aside from Desmond being HORRIBLY protagonistic, the characters seemed pretty legit to me. Ezio seemed much more human than Altair. In the sence that Ezio actually had feelings. He had backstory and character. Altair was a pretty genericly flat character. Even the plot itself was impressive. Creed1 didn't have much plot aside from Altair trying to understand the pieces of eden. Creed2 tweaks it a little. Ezio's father and brothers are wrongfully executed then he, his mother and his sister try to run away so that they might survive. Ezio learns about his family's secrets and their relation to the pieces of eden... wait, im not summarizing the plot, im reviewing this game! Onto gameplay, Creed2 moves faster than 1, thankfully. Ezio's running and climbing speed is faster than Altair's. the new weapons were a nice touch (nothing like secretly poisoning a guard in public and watching him spazz out.) The armor system did annoy me just a little. Some pieces of armor were so overpriced that i couldn't afford them until waaay later in the game. This, combined with the fact that frequent repairs weren't free, left me broke for long periods of time. One final aspect of this game that pisses me right the hell off is the fact that you can't replay story based memories. i'm not gonna delve into it too much because even after you've finished the main story, you can keep playing to pick up any extras you missed. anyway, onto the next game! BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. In all honesty, how can i delve into this game? Its your generic fighting game with SF style controls. Its anime style graphics are nice. Love the soundtrack. Well, i guess i will delve into one little point. I major with Tsubaki... kinda... her mission 3-1 combo has been frustrating me since i started playing. i can pull off every move except the 22A at the end. when i dopull it off, the AI opponent ukemis just as it's about to hit. help please? Disgaea 3. Someone wanna explain what everyone is so happy about? My friend told me to get this game cuz it has an awesome combat system. Really, im NOT impressed. i played 2 battles and i really don't like how it plays out. it feels too much like final fantasy tactics, and i do NOT like that style of gameplay. i'm gonna keep playing though cuz it feels like an awesome SNES game and a shiny new PS3 game AT THE SAME TIME. well, i guess i'll just keep going as-is. I'm reading about some talk of a Persona 5. lets hope this one is true! as well, I'm looking forward to DmC (5) cuz Dante is one of the COOLEST characters out there, and in the new game, he's a teenager. A demon-hunting, Pizza-loving, Gun-And-Sword-Toting, badass: now with hormones! should be interesting, to say the least