Yeesh! What a crazy past few weeks. This has been a wild ride on the part of world news, personal accomplishments and as well, gaming news.
Well, starting off with my highest priorities: World News (yeah thats right, im socially aware!). Canada's having a federal election! Im only 17 so i dont get to vote... sadly... but if i could, i would vote NDP (For all you stupid people, that stands for New Democratic Party) They stand for a very socialistic economy. Sure, free public programs mean higher taxes, but if that means that my university tuition is going to be cheaper, i'm willing to do it!
In other news... OSAMA HAS BEEN KILLED... yeah everyone knows at this point... moving on...
In my personal life, i just got myself a longboard. Named it Oroboros. I DO know how to ride a longboard but i mess up sometimes. Messed up pretty bad on thursday and pretty much ripped my knee apart. Hahaha, on top of that, i went snowboarding on friday and saturday. Funny story though: When i was snowboarding on saturday, my knee was really killing me so i went into the lodge to clean it up and put on some new gauze. While i was applying the alcohol to the cut, this girl came over and asked what happened. I told her what happened with my longboard. She looked at my knee, then at me and said, and i quote, "I dont know how much i can help but.." he points her hands at my knee "Curaga..." I seriously could NOT stop laughing.
And onto my gaming news: Portal 2. I. AM. SATISFIED. Once again though, short... very short... but trying to get all throphies is worth playing it over and over and over again! Sadly, the PSN is STILL offline! Im not worried about credit card info though cuz i only buy prepaid PSN cards so... WINNER!!!