That honeymoon was like tottaly awesome.
Yeah, it was great. But Jack Thompson tried to ruin it with his sexy secret weapon, Brain Peppers. F@cking A$$hole!
Yeah like Jack Thompson is tottaly not cool.
Yo, Jack Thompson is a punk a$$ buster.
Ha Ha Ha!!! I going to destory you all!!! Starting with Super Mario Sunshine and ending with The Sims 2!
Hey, why are we last?
Well I would ban you this week but like I have to get my nails done. Like omg!
Hey Psychonauts! Did you ask your mom?
She said no gameBoob.
Stop calling me GameBoob, Fata$$! If you call me that one more time i'm gonna to release my sexy secret weapon!!
GameBoob! *runs and hides*
Holy shi......!
That was my sexy secret weapon!!! YOU SOAB!! Well at least you took care of fata$$. No more xbox!! Ha Ha Ha! Take that gamers!!!
Take that Jack Thompson!! Oh yeah thanks for taking care of my big fata$$ brother, GameCube.
Cool, your welcome. Wanna hang out!
Hello i'm a next-gen system. I wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with a current gen system. Besides I gotta go over there and fight with the PS3.
Yo, Xhead! Give up now. I'll kick your a$$ in the next-gen race.
Whatever! Boomerang!
As soon as I'm done with my nails you next-gen systems are Dead! COMING SOON!!!! ACT 4: THE BATTLE Staring Xbox Xbox 360 PS2 PS3 GameCube NES Dreamcast EA UBI SOFT Double Fine Ron Gilbert Tim Schafer Joe Lieberman and more....!!!