I've been looking on the forums lately and I've noticed two topics which seem to be taking hold on the Splinter Cell double agent forums. Basically Sam Fisher's baldness seems to be a big issue, from the number of posts about it perhaps on par with the second issue: Splinter Cell's new multiplayer features.
It's not hard to see why people would be discussing this, I myself was a big fan of all the Splinter Cell games especially Chaos Theory. And what kept me coming back was the excellent multiplayer mode, so it's easy to see why that's a big issue for fans awaiting the new Splinter Cell game.
A lot of the posts have been quite negative so far, I think really people are scared of change, but in my opinion things could go either way still, the changes could be for the better or for worse. The three main features which seem to appear a lot are the white outline on the spy, the proxy detector and the regenerating health. So far it has been quite unclear how the white outline works, some people are saying that it is always on when the spy is standing which I think would be a bad point but I found an article that would suggest otherwise:
It says that, "Mercenaries also have technology that gives spies a white outline when spotted, making them easier to pick out. This only works when a spy is in full standing mode, at which point they're extremely visible". If this means that the white outline would only appear after being spotted therefore making an escape more difficult, then I don't see how this is too bad as long as it balances out with some of the other features. eg. regenerating health could allow you to take larger risks when entering an area because you know that if you fail but escape alive, you can come regenerate your health not leaving you handicapped for the rest of the game, however you know that getting caught is a larger risk because of the outline and so you encourage yourself to take the risk without acting like Rambo.
As the "Rambo-cell" was one of the biggest problems in Chaos theory or Pandora Tomorrow, it's easy to see how this could get rid of such actions. It forces players into stealthy play. So does the proxy detector, the spy is now forced to sneak up on his/her enemy or hack the proxy (I have been told this is possible correct me if I am wrong) and then go for the kill.
My point is that I think if they get the balance right they can force stealth into spies and vigilance into Mercs, that can't be a bad thing. If they don't, well, then we might have a problem.
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