I'm a big fan of the xbox 360 and not only do I own one but I probably won't be getting any other consoles. I'm also very happy with my 360. However their is one thing that bothers me personally, the dvd player.
Now I hate for this to actually be a problem, but, we are seeing a lot of games nowadays like Oblivion which are filling dvd's yet are not utilizing all of the 360's graphical power. Now I hear a lot of people saying that the game designers will be able to compress games more and more efficiently as they work more with the console and I realize the wisdom in microsofts choice not to choose which format to back just yet (although 100% of indications are towards the HD-DVD). However how far will these game designers be able to go with compressing data on these DVD's and could this mean that we will have either great graphics OR loads of content and not both due to these space limitations. I hope not, and I hope if this is the case that games are made to be on 2 DVD's perhaps with one installing some info onto the hard drive (I would rather this than a reduction in content or graphics). I don't really know the technical aspect but I was hoping someone could tell me the facts on this issue.