This is another work related blog.
When I'm working it is always to a plan of one sort or another and it annoys me when after spending time planning and some one comes along to waste my time by arguing with my plan or trying to rearrange what I am doing.
In order to aleviate this situation in some small way I have put up a new notice in the workshop
While in this workshop
please speak to me in low dulcet tones
and do not disagree with me in any manner.
that when one has reached my age and general state of disillusionment
noise and non-concurrence cause
Gastric Hyper-Peristalsis,
Hyper-Secretion of the Hydrochloric Acid,
and Rubor of the Gastric Mucosa
I become a most unpleasant Bastard!
I hope that this sign will save someones life some day :D :P
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