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#1 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts

[QUOTE="AlbertChai"]AS most of the good anime have been recommended,


I strongly disagree with this notion. What is mentioned here barely scratches the surface.

Ok, let me reprase, "as most of the good anime that I know of have been recommended". =p
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#2 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts

AS most of the good anime have been recommended, I would totally recommend you guys to watch CODE GEASS. You'll not regret it. Not your typical anime movie.

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#3 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts
[QUOTE="Adrian_Cloud"]Wow, i want this game now.Arctic_Grillz
its available right now.

I think he meant the English version XD
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#4 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts

I never understood the appeal of FF games or JRPGs in general. All of them seem to be the same, they all have stereotypical characters with pink/green/blue/yellow hair, opera house style clothes and cheesy lines. There is also mediocre repetitive combat, flashy move-sets and over-dramatic storyline. Throughout the years only thing that has improved in FF games is the graphics, which comes naturally with better hardware. It amazes me how Square Enix can just recycle a game with same character models, gameplay and narrative and still make some money out of all the sheep. But i guess as long as they contain those beloved "anime" characters, people will keep buying that garbage. There comes a time when people have to say enough is enough and let the franchise die, and FF's time is long overdue.

I never understood the appeal of CoD games or FPSs in general. All of them seem to be the same, they all have stereotypical characters with black/blonde hair, army clothes and cheesy lines. There is also mediocre repetitive combat, flashy weapons and cheesy storyline( Seriously, my little niece could make up better stories ). Throughout the years only thing that has improved in CoD games is the graphics, which comes naturally with better hardware. It amazes me how "insert Company Name "can just recycle a game with same character models, gameplay and (narrative) (do they even have one?) and still make some money out of all the "insert animal name to insult" . But i guess as long as they contain those beloved "macho" characters, people will keep buying that garbage. There comes a time when people have to say enough is enough and let the franchise die, and FPS's time is long overdue Replace where appropriate for specific genre of games*
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#5 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts


I don't think you heard me right. I am in 8th grade. I finished 7th and 8th grade math in 7th grade. I'm almost doing 11th grade. Heres another equation from functions.

f(x)=-2(3x+4)squared+5x-6cubed=4x+8-6xcubed+[x-2].........I can do this in my dreams =)


no you cant cause you dont have f(x) which you would need to solve it its not like you can crap out answers its like saying what is 2y=6x+6 you cant figure out the problem the only thing you could do is simplify it as y=3x+3 that is as far as you can go

LMAO you guys are bragging about grade 8 math

I know, right? Grade 8 maths is all maths have at it. I mean, grade 8 maths can't be any harder than diff.eqn, modulus arg, complex nos., parametric equations etc..
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#6 AlbertChai
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My school is very biased regarding popular to non-popular kids. The cool kids who think they're all that make terrible grades, dont care about school, and will probably be asking m,e for money one day. I will admit, I am not popular at all. Maybe in grades, but no. Im in 8th grade, and I have math and science your mom and dad took in college. I can take college classes in reading and english from myACT scores. Yes, ACT, a college test I took in 7th grade. My teacher tells me that my classes are among the smartest of the school, yet no one even knows who we are. Popular kids are still learing algebra 1. Saddens me. They think they're cool right now, they wont be when their looking for jobs. I bet you any money that these kids will not be successful. I'm shooting for piloting, and probably have a better chance than a kid who thinks they;re all that. So do you agree with me or not?


i think you need to get your head out of your ass.

What the hell does this mean. I think you need to shut it before i do it for you.

LoL. Is what I got to say. TC, thanks for the laughs. As for everyone else, I can't believe this topic went on for FREAGGIN 9 PAGES!
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#7 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts


Because I'd rather give myself a root canal than pay money to see that movie.

0. Movie just not worth my money. On a side not, where did you get your avatar lol.
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#8 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts
[QUOTE="th3warr1or"]Making sure his son goes to college when hes 18 and not jail... so that's bad now? Brainkiller05
humiliating him infront of the whole world is bad :oops:

It would have been a somewhat a good punishment for that kid if the father didn't act like an axx and film it. Seriously, is there any real need to even put it on YOUTUBE? other than self-righteous brag and boasting how good of a father he is?
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#9 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts


I was kicked out of class for sneezing to loud. The teacher then came up to me out in the hallway where I was standing and he said "Would you do that in church?" I just never understood it.


If you think that's absurd, consider this: I once received lines for smiling. Honestly, for smiling. My history teacher said I looked suspicious.

lol, is the teacher a guy? If yes, then you're a g..*cough* i mean .. just joking haha You reminded me of one of my friends in school whereby he was scolded by the teacher for always smiling too! I guess some people can't take it when someone is smilling without reasons I guess.
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#10 AlbertChai
Member since 2005 • 147 Posts

I was kicked out of class for sneezing to loud. The teacher then came up to me out in the hallway where I was standing and he said "Would you do that in church?" I just never understood it.

Maybe by doing it in churches, you get a lot of people saying "bless you" for it.. haha.. weird sense of humour, or a wicked one at that!