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AlbertWesker316 Blog


Apr 16, 2007 3:13 pm PTGt is a poor excuse for a simulation.I dont know about anyone else but i dont like or find it fun following cars on a rail on the course.GT needs to do something really bad to help it out with 5.The only thing it has going for it is all the cars and parts.Forza 1 killed gt4.And by the time GT5 comes out i think a forza 3 will be out.
Thats what i said a few years back, gt is better to me and forza is coming out before gt like i thought!!!

Fear 2 demo impresstions pt.1

Ok, just got done playing the demo for fear 2, I can honestly say im not very impresed with it. I was trully looking forward to this game but it just seems a little mediocre. Here are a few things that bother me

1. The slow ass movement you have.

Now seeing how slowly your character moves is really discouraging. The first fear was very fast, and hectic at times when in combat.To me it seems like they were probably making this game primarily for consoles which i can understand, but after playing the first fear and then this it just feels like a let down.

2. The sounds the guns make.

I dont think ive been this dissapointed with how guns sound since doom 3. I was first thrown through a loop when i fired the shotgun and it sounded odd. In the demo they actually let you pick up a good amount of weapons and greanades. Everything about the sounds they make just dont seem right.

3. The graphics

Graphics dont always make a game, but they do help immerse you in them, for the most part fear 2 does a good job, good effects and lighting, nice particles. But underneath all that lies some trully blane looking textures. Character models dont look too good either, and while the first fear took graphics to new standards when it first came out, fear 2 does not.

4. PDA pick ups

This is a big one for me. the one thing i really hated about the first game was all the phone picking up and checking of the answering machines. I cannot tell you enough why i hated this. Which is why after watching new developer interviews they felt the same way i did...... so why is it in the sequel????

This is just the begining, im gonna play it tommorow again on a 42 inch plasma screen in surround sound. Ill give second opinions on it too. I CANT HELP BUT FEEL DISSAPONTED. I was never too keen on fear 1, i thought it was just merly ok maybe a 7 out of 10 for me, but there where things that i liked about it including sound, gun design, and graphics, the gunplay was also fast and hectic. I was really hyped and looking forward to fear 2 but for me the core differences i liked about fear 1 was changed in fear 2.People are always gonna say well "this is a demo wait for the full game to come out" and all i have to say is yes i should wait for the full game to come out, but judging by how close to launch this game is, and how the old demo was i can say that this is how the game will be. I want to really be wrong. Again this is the first part here, maybe tommorow it'll be better. This is just a little tired rant i chose to throw out there to people who possibly feel like me.Please share your thoughts on the game I would really like to hear them!

I'm back????

Well idk if anyone is going to read this or check this out but I thought I would write a little something. ( or should i say type?) Ive been gone for quite a few months now, not even coming back to this site at all. Ive been a lingerer for the most part going to some game sites here and there, but for the last few months I've been at 1up. Now some of you may know or not but it recently has changed and been bought by UGO.

For the second time a website that i loved along with the community has gone under, and truth be told that's one of the reasons if not solely the reason why I left gamespot. Truth be told I was an average lover at 1up and have been for years now but after all the turmoil of Gamespot I decided to take a leave of absence and give it a break. The main reason I stayed here was because of the community and all the friends I have here.

While I'm deeply saddened by what happened to 1up and not being able to see the 1up show or broken pixels anymore I'm glad to be back here, seeing the same people still here that didnt jump the boat. Hopefully I will post more blogs and game reviews. I also have "somethings" up my sleeve for the future of this blog and my myspace, and my youtube channel, nothing is set in stone yet so i wont say what im doing until things are done.

So on a happy note thanks everyone for possibly checking this out and stayed tuned, hopefully I'll have some better things coming up in the near future.



Bad news!!!!

Well after being excited for MGS4 and alomost being done with it in one play through bad things tend to happen. My ps3 died :(

My 360 broke last summer and i went out the next day and got a new one. This is something i really didnt want to happen (its a 60 gig model) but what person wants their console to suddenly just die? I started to set up my surround sound speakers and got it done. I just moved my room around so i wanted to get them set up again. Any way after getting everything hooked up i wanted to test them and see if everything was hooked up correctly and what not, so i figured try one of the best games with a soundtrack that i always thought had good music. I turned on tekken DR. The sound was better then ever with heavy tekken techno bass kicking in. (Besides me being a horror fan i love fighting games just as much) Then a sound that a geek never wants to hear, and if your into computers you know what that sounds is, the sound of something shorting out. It was like the motherboard just gave up. This truly sucks!

This brings me to another point why do consoles always go out when you get that game your've been wanting ooo so badly?? When my friend got mass effect his 360 died, just like that, and it was a new 360 elite. I dont get it, my nintendo still works, all my old consoles work like brand new, be it may that i have to blow on an nes cartridge every once and a while( im waiting for my money tail spins :p)

Well i guess ill now play mass effect, or more tenchu z with all that time cleared up.


mgs4 blows

Becuase it has to end. Seriously this is one game i dread on finishing. Almost done with the game got it yesterday and started playing it at 7PM didnt stop until 5:03 am. I havent played a game like this in a long time. mgs4 is making me belive in gaming again!!!! Ill post up some final impressions when i finish it. Hope everyone else that has this game is having or had just as much fun as i am!!!


Resident Evil rant again.(re5)

Well Microsofts conference is done. A lot of games im very excited about. Mostly all of them who am i kiddin. But for those who know me and the ragin RE fan i am,re 5 took the cake.Words cannot describe the emotions i went through. I got chills from it.Its crazy to know that ive been playing them from the start.I was only ten i belive. When i first loaded up the game i was excited becuase it took place two years in the future little realising what the game series would do to me.Every good time in my life i could place an RE moment around it. So for many hardcore freaks out there,its more to me then just a great series i love to follow. Its a lot of what i can remember of growing up for me. As i am now 20 i cant wait to see how this game will be.And i look forward to tommorow hoping that Umbrella chronicles will be shown. So for all the Re fans out there im drinkin a mountain dew for ya!



Well fellow gamers,its been a while sinced i posted anything.It really bothers me and im sure a few other people out there that Greg is leaving.This deeply saddens me,as i have been coming to this site since around 97.The site was way different back then.I finally decided to make an actual profile here at gamespot in march of 2005.

This to me is like loosing a good freind,even tho i never met him,or talked to him it was like we knew each other.The same goes for all the other gamespot members and staff.Anyway i though i would put my goodbye in here for him.
 Well im not gonna lie,i feel kinda sick to my stomach knowing that ur leaving.Im someone who lives eats and breathes games of all sorts im pretty sure games is all i got in this world and its the only thing im good at.I stumbled onto this website years ago when Adam Sessler hosted a show called gamespot lol.I was maybe in sixth grade,and since then i have been loyal here at gamespot and recently started up a new account and became a complete subscriber.U were one of the most trusted reviewers to me.I respected ur opinion and checked out games because of you! By watching you over the past years i belive ive become a better gamer.Anyway im almost twenty now and im out of school,and seeing that someone who will have no chance of becoming a game maker such as myself really gives me hope. I cant belive that just yesterday i was going through an old computer game magazine from 2002(the one with tropico 2 on the front) and who did i see but u in the pages.Back then u were the executive editor of gamespot pc.I though wow what a shock,then on the same day find out ur leaving!

This deeply sadens me and i think u will sorely be missed.Its almost like im losing a friend as cheesy as it is to say.U influenced me in one of the most influential parts of my life growing up.Thank you for all the years of joy u have given me!NOW GO OUT AND MAKE KICK ASS GAMES SO I CAN PLAY THEM!And maybe review them!


I had dreams of working at gamespot and meeting him,but as unlikely as it is for me working there,or anything to do with games in general i wished i could of been there.In the past year we lost two editors,and now this.I was looking forward to coming back to gamespot after the holidays and getting ready for a new 2007 seaon witht them,so this news was devastating.Especially since gamespot and all the freinds i have are so much of me and who i am.He helped make this website a better place for people to gather around and talk about games.People that are not normally accepted in the publics eye.Greg K was every gamer,every anime nerd,and the quiet guy.He was all of us,he represented all of us.

I hope no more people leave,becuase u may not think
of it but these people are us.And all we have is us keeping this community together.So Greg thank u for all u have given us,the gaming community in general we apprciate it.


Anime anyone???

Ok people if u like anime,and the uncut goodness of how there suppose to be go here

Its all free,all u have to do is sign up for it.And if u can give a donation.The site is very good,and they have alot of kool things to look at and watch!!!Did u know there is a Japanese powerpuff girls anime out now?Well there is,its called powerpuff girls z.Go over to it,enjoy it,and have a good time with the site.Also downloads will be coming soon so sign up now!


Me ranting on horror again!!!

Ok,i got a game some people may have heard of called dead rising.I waited a very long time for this game seeing as how this is right up my alley!I love the game,just one problem as everyone knows,the save system sucks.What were they thinking,is it forcing us to replay the game,or discovering parts of the game we didnt see yet?I have no clue why they chose this.

I love the story and the characters,i havent felt this way for the characters since ff7 when aries(arith)died!I dont know is its because of my deep love for the zombie genre,or the story itself,but i like it alot.I belive capcom will make another one,and they will fix this small bump in the road.

I really wish they would of had the time progress for missions predetermined.How would a game like ff10 be if u had to rush.It wouldnt be good at all.Speaking of rpg's i went a reserved enchanted arms,and ff12.I played the game and i like it.I played ff11 for a few years,so ff12 is similar to this,except the fact that ff12 takes place in the world of ff tactics(which i recomend getting for the psx,and gba!)

Tommorro ill be going to bestbuy,so im hoping that they will have suikoden tactics,its the only game i need to complete my collection.Im also gonna pick up sonic rush for my neice,and one for me for the ds.I also wanna get project gotham racer 3(which in a sad turn of events i have no clue were it is,in all my 19 years of gaming i have never lost a game ever,thinking that one of my so called friends took it!)And i wanna pick up call of duty two,or any rpg that catches my eye.So for everyone who checks this out,thank you,and its much appreciated!Leave any feed back at all as long as its positive!!! No need to say anything if its not nice!Once again thank you.
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