Ok im watching spike tv right now,its 12:13 am, and there on the set of resident evil extiction.The show i belive is called gamehead, i dont really watch it becuase i hate kevin kneighly, or whatever his name is!This new re movie is getting out of hand Claire looks kool altho i didnt see her without her glasses off,but they are really screwin with it,Albert Wesker looks like tottal crap,i mean,they would of been better off using the fmv actor from re 1.I liked the first one,then the second one was ok,the best thing out of the movie was Jill who i think they nailed with the actor they got,she looked just like her,she didnt act like her,but looked like her.If they wanted an actor for wesker they could of gotten me,id dye my hair blonde and put some shades on.I saw on youtube a video of filming they did for it,it looked ok,but for some reason i have a bad feeling about this film.I hold the re games very close to my heart,and it hurts me how they hurt it.I think Uwe Boll would be a better director.The actors and the director cant even get the story line stright, the director said it takes place five years after re2 the movie,and now milla jovovich says its 3 years after.Im sorry that i keep going on about this but please,if ur gonna make an re movie please do something along the lines of the game instead of using the name and some zombies.Paul Anderson said it best and i agree with him, u cant use the same story line of the game for the movie,it just gets boring,but come on, i think they can do better then this!!!And now there making a castlevania movie, i dont know how they can mess that up,but then again u never know!!!I know im being selfish,and its kool that they are making movies for the games,but i think they can do better. Once again im sorry for the ranting,but if u want let me know what u think thanx alot ! -Rob
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