i won this awesome tag at Crimson Designs for find 25 eggs throughout the union
Albert_Pujols Blog
Just bought Mercenaries
by Albert_Pujols on Comments
And it is pretty good so far......I like the way you can Hijack enemy cars.....well.....anyway.......my next buy will be Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition and/or Guild Wars
by Albert_Pujols on Comments
I just played about 7 straight hours of Kingdom Hearts with my friend. We started in the Deep Jungle and ended up in Neverland(we also beat the Phil Cup and started the Pegasus Cup)......also I just pre-ordered Star Wars Battlefront II!!!
The new looking GS
by Albert_Pujols on Comments
I think it is ok..... there is still some bugs that need to be fixed.....so what do you guys think of it?
Albert_Pujols's Gallery(updated)
by Albert_Pujols on Comments
All my sig and tags where taking up tons of room in my journal so I moved it somewhere else.......here is the link:)
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