ok...Like everyone else I am a DRM hater....but this thread is not to rant on DRM because of its limitations. What I want to say in here is the real reason DRM should not be used anymore...and that is....because its obsolete.
The point of DRM is not for the game to be copied and etc....but...companies should realize that it doesn't help them at all. Games still get hacked and put on torrent sites almost at the same time as they ship in stores and even before sometimes...like it was the case for spore. I have a friend who never actually paid for a PC game...except for splinter cell 3 and that's because it took almost a year to crack that game. Congrats to Ubisoft with SC3 protection cause it was the most effective one I have seen in my entire gamer career. Even if it was kind of an annoying protection with some issues....I even had a hard time install it...but then it wasn't so bad when you figured it.
So yeah...instead of using DRM which doesn't help them at all and probably hurts them more they should find something else...
Oh and realize that games have more chances to be pirated when they have DRM cause the cracked copies don't have that useless protection. Like we so well learned with Bioshock where the hackers had less trouble playing the game than people who actually bought it :P
yup :)....finally the game will make more sense cause your kid sim will not grow older than its parents if you have moved him lol
the graphics don't look better than sims 2 on first sight....but its all in the details. Environment looks much better and the sims will have more physics in them. THey also look much less like japanese anime characters now lol. I am sure i'll get hooked for a couple of months and then get tired of it for another couple of months...then get back to it...ect...its always been like that.
if I were you I'd keep my 40$ to buy a new PC this summer with a better processor and video card. You should look to buy a AMD 6000+ with an ATI 3870 or NVIDIA 9600 and 4gb of ram :)
Or if you really want to buy a game that is going to last for your money....buy Oblivion.
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