Well I got NCAA 07, maybe 2 weeks ago, damn it's a great game. The one thing I hate is there's no Race for the Heismen, or Back to School in the 360 version but it's in the others, that ticks me off. I mean why make a game, make it for another consle, and strip a "pointless" feature out. If your gonna make a game make all versions the same, except with graphical changes.
Guitar Hero 2 is coming soon, thank god too. I'm excited about the new songs, people, and new features. I mean you can play Bass in it instead of just Guitar, thats freaking sweet. (I play bass)
Call of Duty 3 looks like the best of the series thus far for the 360, went ahead and pre-ordered it for the 360 AND the Wii so I can test the games and compare. And that being said I also layed down a pre-order for Red Steel.
Been updating my game collection online, almost have all of them, except my GBA games, and most of my PS2/GC.. I didn't know my collection was worth all that it is.. wow.. Well I'm out, laterz.
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