Just answer correctly:
Do you have a Wireless Conection at home?(Like you would use on a Laptop at home)
If Yes:Have your Wii close to the Routter that provides the Wireless signal. Most routters work just fine, but I've come across people who have either and old one or a weird one that just wont allow them to conect. Go to the Wii Options, Then WiiConect24 and then setup a new connection with that Routter and test it.
IfNo:You need the Nintendo USB Wireless Adapter. They sell it at most gamestores You can use it to have your DS Online, too. Install it and connect it to the USB slot In your computer. (I've seen people who plug it in their Wii USB Slot, lol). The Adapter will make a Wireless signal from your computer for your Wii and DS to use. I don't know how strong it is, however, so I woul'dnt know if your Wii has to be at a certain distance for it to work.
There's also the LAN Adapter, that goes in the Wii USB Slot and allows you to directly plug a coection cabble to your Wii. (Kinda likeyou connecta PS2 or a Gamecube using the cord from your Modem)
I should work on Customer Support.
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