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AlfredCapone Blog

Made an unusual purchase

Instead of buying Darksiders/Bayonetta/Bioshock 2...I decided to rent Brutal Legend and buy Rock Band 2 with one of my roomies. So we have been 'rocking it up' Also running through Bioshock again so I can catch up on it and get Bioshock 2

Took it easy

I had the day off Thurs/Fri and today. so Im taking it easy.caught up on some much needed sleep. I downloaded the first episode of Fable 2, It pretty blah. Havent gamed much, Just a little Halo 3 multi. Im low on money so,im not spending it on game atm


Dipped my hands in some new games lately...

I recently rented about 4/5 games that I've been wanting to play

Halo Wars-Honestly.....Its kind've boring

MLB 2k9-I'm a Huge Baseball fan,but I try to stay away from sports games....but this one s really fun.. Loving the online play

Wolfeinstien-Meh....worth a rental...havent finished it tho

Need For Speed Shift- Too easy unless you play on hard.

and as always..been playing COD4 getting ready for MW2!

Take care!

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