@Slim_Lyrics @Alhuf @pezzott1 Many of the reviewers had a reviewers copy, they did not have a pre-load like many of us do. They are also giving false information on the forums such as having many delete the pre load and re download. They were corrected by many and told the community managers that the download was ongoing on the information panel on the game.
@Slim_Lyrics @Alhuf @pezzott1 Not a minority, they are swamped. Many can't get pass Mission 2 because it is still preloading. The Pre load did not work for many.
@robert83a2 The "re-education" of military personnel is there for a reason. If you are in a heavy ambush and the lives of your men are at stake and you give a command and a douchebag talks back saying "Why?". There is a reason for everything, Privates generally just follow all commands and as they grow they become independent due to their experience from different leadership. There is a manual to do things in the military, but you will see different ways to get to the end point. That is the reason why the United States military is the envy of the world and why they send their leaders to train with us.
@AncientDozer That is true, they can't physically hurt someone. But you have to see a new trend here. On-line bullying. We see suicides because of these on the rise. I think it's great that this corporation is practicing their responsibility to help quelch some of this. It will probably not get fixed, but the messages will at least reach some people.
Alhuf's comments