Kerry says no boots on the ground unless perhaps the unlikely and unthinkable happened and the nation imploded or bad people were about to get their hands on the WMD. I don't know what catalyst might cause those scenarios to happen, surely not airstrikes. Anyway he can assure people Obama doesn't want boots on the ground.
Well, if the resolution explicitly prohibits troops on the ground then that would be that.
Given what he said it doesn't give me too much confidence there won't be exceptions in the way they word it if national security is put at risk or however they plan to word it. What he said originally also made sense. I doubt the US would just sit back if those scenarios unfolded and you can't secure WMD with airstrikes alone. Unlike Iraq and Libya where both nations had agreed to disarmament and apparently followed through prior to intervention Syria actually has WMD. There is no debate about this fact as they aren't even signatories of the CWC. I believe that in war things don't always go to plan and much to the displeasure of some no doubt Kerry speculated what might happen if things don't go to plan before he backtracked.
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