I get out of school at 8:40, woohoo...anyway...I head over to the bank to get some cash out for my dad's birthday present for the 28th...so far so good. I get to Best Buy, I notice a bunch of tents and trash scattered all over the front of the store. Oh yeah, that damn 360 came out today, upon entering the store about 5 people with Geek Squad shirts tell me that they don't have anymore Xbox 360s...I could care less, I tell them I don't care about that POS...they look puzzled...I head for the PC games...:lol:. After about 3 minutes of nothing I go and try to find my dad's birthday present. No where in sight, I ask when its coming in. "Uh, we had all of our trucks already come in today, it might be in the back, we just unloaded our 360's for now." Great...I leave, before I can get my dad's present I went to Wal-Mart (you know I was desperate), Circuit City, a mall, and finally Media Play before giving up. Nowhere in the damn city has the damn DVD I wanted to get for myself...I mean my dad.
I ended up buying this because I didn't want to waste time :lol: plus I heard good things ;).
Battlefield 1942: WWII Anthology
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