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AllyCat_13 Blog

what i have been up to

holidays.... seems like everything goes faster during them and you never really have a chance to rest. I have been having alot of fun though!We have been watching alot of semi good movies, went and saw Love in the Time of Cholera probably one of my favorite books of all time. Golden Compass I think I need to read the books to be able to appreciate the movie. We are going to see Sweeney Todd this weekend and I also want to see the Kite Runner.

We had a great GS Live Christmas Party 2 weeks ago that was beyond awesome 21 First Ammendment rocked it for us and the food was fantastic! We then wandered back to the GS studio and played Rock Band until 3 in the morning. If the videos ever appear on YouTube it is a must see Brad Shoemaker is destined to be a lead singer, the camera loves him.

Had some great dinner as well, made this amazing roast beast last weekend for friends, it was so crazy delicious. Then over dinner conversation Frank brought up having crab the next night, and I went into crab envy. We went to Ranch 99 on Sunday and got 2 nice size live dungeness crabs killed and cleaned for us for 13 dollars and some change, we ate like royality can you say crab coma :-) Tyler made me his favorite drink over the weekend a Manhattan, he used these blood orange bitters that were out of this world, not big on sweet drinks, but this was lovely I think it helps that you use top shelf Bourbon as well.

Been playing loads of Scrabble, I am literally going to have to Scrabbleholics... I curse Tyler for introducing me to Scrabulous on Facebook!

We are going to the SF Nutcracker on Monday, I am so excited I absolutely love the ballet and it is a Christmas tradition that I look forward to at the Holidays. I think Sunday we are going to see the Marie Antoinette exibit at the Legion of Honor, see the carolers beforehand outside and probably end up for Irish Coffee at the Bitter End.

The Winter Solstice is Saturday and Steve is having a nice little get together, looking forward to it. Like I said it is the holidays and it is nonstop, hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and enjoy the day whatever you choose to do.

This too shall pass....

I think there are enough blog posts, forum posts and what not on the current hornet's nest that has swarmed GS Live. All I can say, is there are always reasons decisions that not everyone is privvy too, and as much as it may make everyone mad, bitter, angry, sad, frustrated.... You sometimes just have to play it as it lays....

Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D

It was released a week or so ago, we went to see it last night. It is worth going to see again, they have done a brilliant job at Lucas Arts making this film into 3D. I could not believe how long and tall Jack looks in 3D. There were so many little details you do not see in a regular film that this time I was just tickled to notice. I was as happy as a little school boy:lol: I really have always loved this movie and I hope they will run it until Christmas. Happy Dias De Los Muertos everyone, have a yummy sugar skull:)

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday
happy birthday -
Happy birthday
happy birthday -
Happy birthday
happy birthday.

happy birthday in a hot bath
To those nice
nice nights.
I remember always
always I got such a fright.
Seeing them in my dark cupboard with my great big cake.
If they were me
if they were me
And I was you and I was you -
If they were me and I was you
Would you have liked a present too.

happy birthday in a hot bath . . .

Happy birthday
happy birthday - . . .

I loved this song when it came out and today for me it conjours up the long journey of my wild life. I have had a long run so far and it is by no means over I kinda have felt in this last year as I prepared for today that it was really just beginning. So, today I am celebrating my new adventures I am planning.

Time waits for no one and it won't wait for you.;)

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Yesterday I went to the movies with Tyler and a bunch of our friends/coworkers from GS. So, on Friday when Franco said let's go to the movies on Sunday to see 30 days of night, I was like cool scary movie. Ummmmmmmm let's just say this movie scared the holy crap out of me. I like scary movies, but I don't think I go to the theater enough, so I was screaming and basically the entertainment for my whole group of friends. This hole modern day vampire movie was horrifying from the beginning, and I do not think I want to go to Alaska again for awhile. I am aware of the whole weeks of no daylight up there, but when you throw the whole vampire thing in there it was just a little to freaky tiki for me. I was so ready for some daylight after that movie and I was really glad we saw it during the day, although when Tyler and I went out for gelato later, I was totally watching the rooftops for vampires.:lol: I did'nt have any nightmares last night, but I made Tyler stay the night:P

Nifty Gifty

First off Alex you are not one of my favorite gamespot people anymore!!!! 7.5 is not acceptable! More later....

Holy Hornbeam!

So, I got the call yesterday that Beautiful Katamari had arrived at my boyfriend's desk at Gamespot, I was beyond excited to get out of work yesterday thinking of seeing my little prince and all the darling cousins! So, 5pm rolled around and I was out like a shot. Stopped to get some staples for dinner, and then straight to the house for Katamari pleasure. First off I have never played on the XBOX, I think partially because I was afraid of it and the whole online aspect of it. I mean everyone that plays/ owns an XBOX is probably a seriously good gamer. I am a peasant when it comes to gaming except for when it comes to Katamari, I fell in love with this game 2 years ago I had never experienced a game that completely captured my dark little heart. I just could not get over how visually stunning,this little game was and how simple and fun.

Anyway, upon slipping the disc into the XBOX, I was thinking is the music going to be as good as the last one, what are the worlds going to be like,what are the new cousins going to look like and of course THE PRESENTS!!!!! I love the presents, it is my favorite part of the game finding them dressing up the prince I just love the whole adventure. Well, I was not disappointed... There he was the king in all his glory swinging a tennis racket and breaking the cosmos again, this time making a black hole. He still has a ginormous ego, although he does make some endearing remarks to the prince that I picked up on. I started off with the tutorial "Egg School"this whole controller for the XBOX took me a bit to get use to, but I was getting the hang of it, lots of new things to pick up puzzle pieces which is the floor and looks like your going to fall into space,everything looks brighter and more diminsional maybe that is because of the XBOX I really liked it.

The prince has his own "Princedom" which is sort of like his own little world he has a cake that holds all the presents and when he walks around the sound from him walking is just the cutest thing ever, he can fly to other parts of his little world to go and explore. He has a "Monkey Train" I kept trying to get on and gave up, but Tyler jumped on it and took a ride. I can't remember some of the names of the other worlds, I need to play a few more times to memorize them. One has this house that has more bling in it than I have ever seen gold bars, rows of rings still in the jewel cases, giant diamond rings laying on the floor, lots to pick up. It does seem this time around that when you start in each world your sort of dropping into the world, where as before you started on the ground and you could begin rolling. It also seems that the first items you pick up are bigger this time around so you can make a bigger Katamari quicker.

More reviewing later :-)

Only The Good Die Young

I came into work this morning, and opened up the racing news from the weekend and was stunned to find out the Norifumi *Norick* Abe was killed over the weekend in a careless motorcycle accident. For me a motorcyclist an admitted racing junkie this was beyond a blow, I have been watching, following, living the racing life for many years since 93 there abouts. Abe was without a doubt a talented rider with an over amount of skill, when I saw the press release my first thoughts were flash backs to when Dajiro Kato was killed at Suzuka.Another fantastic, brilliant, charming rider snatched from us too soon and without any way to really explain the loss. In this past month with Colin McRae also being among the casualities of the racing world, I have been thinking more about why I choose to ride. It is hard to describe the feeling of being out on the open backroads with no one around and just taking in all the beauty on 2 wheels it is a bit of a freeing feeling, I know for me I get lost in the road. I love my motorcycles, they bring me a sense of comfort when things just are not quite going right in my world sometimes, there is also the sense of not being confined when your on a bike your just out there no barriers.

Nothing in life is a sure thing, I don't want to go through my life being afraid of everything I love to do and worrying if I am going to die doing it. I want to enjoy my life everyday and when I end my day I can end it knowing that I had some of the best times of my life doing things that made or make me bissfully happy.

Welcome to my birthday month...

I love October! The weather is changing, the trees start to turn brillant colors, pumpkins appear and it is just generally the most spectacular month. So, I kicked it off a bit early on Saturday with Tyler and my two other boyfriends. We had a beautiful day to begin with out in the valley not too hot not too cold clear skies and a mild breeze, sitting on the deck playing a few hardcore games of scrabble, mind you I think I even got my ass partially handed to me. Bob and Randy both kicked the gaming up some notches and I really have to say it made me really appreciate words. Tyler bowed out feeling to overwhelmed with our competetiveness, he was offical score keeper and watcher of the wine spilling, it was deemed a new rule that wine glasses can not be within 3 ft of the board as much spilling was happening. Bob is a complete wine snob, I say that in a good way his appreciation for wine is something I look forward to when I visit him. I am always guaranteed to have about 8-9 bottles of outstanding wine when I am in his company and this past weekend was no different, we also had 2 bottles of champange just because it was a celebration. I made sure to bring all the snakages for us all to partake in it was a small feast to say the least, which was even more glutonous as the evening approached with yummy delish sushi and some sort of chocolate cheesecake decadence.

Here is where the evening got a bit out of hand.... we had decided to watch movies in the evening which usually is a great idea, but when you have 4 winos who can't keep their mouths closed you run into problems. I have to say for the record this was hands down the most chaos filled movie experience evah!!!! Stopping and starting a movie 4 x first of all with side commentary is just looney, I can't even begin to describe the mayhem that was going on.

to be continued...

Ringtone Junkies

my gawd! Tyler just sent me the best link evah! let me first tell everyone I am a ringtone junkie, it is crazy I have even emailed people who have podcasts and asked them if I can use their intro music.... all have said yes, so i have some amazing ringtones..... but all that is about to change!!!! he came over last night and said listen to this, and this little jingle comes out of his phone and I am like is that some nursrey rhyme ringtone? he was like no, it is the the train tone from japan for the train that goes to the tokyo game show. I was like really? so he sent me the link today and there are literally a jillion tones, I can have one for everyday of the week.... so, out of the kindness of my dark little heart I will share it.

I will be listening for people's phones ringing now...

you can ring my bell, ring a ling a ling!!!!

Hiro The Hero

Okay I just have to say, my boyfriend is on this quest to have me add yet another show to my tivo overloaded device. Mind you the only time I am really glued to the TV is on race day..... But, I do record everything for my later viewing pleasure. I mean if you look at my profile you would think I sit on my chaise lounge eating black scottie dog licorice with a little gnome fanning me, but alas I do live a pretty active life. Anywho, about a month ago the guy brings over the whole first season of Heroes on his Ipodius for us to watch, well first off I am not into action shows, movies, games or anything.... Unless it has Vale running around in his dainese leathers **** So, I watch a few episodes and I start getting into the story line and all... how can you not "save the cheerleader save the world" OMG! and to be fair it is set in Vegas, Texas and NYC and Japan for good measure. So, over the last several weeks it has been none stop episode watching so I could get ready for the beginning of season 2, I think the thing that drives me crazy is how the episodes end it is like this great hour and then it just ends with black screen.... TO BE CONTINUED..... Nothing drives me more insane that that, I guess if you grew up reading comic books, it is all gay and happy and you wait till next week. for me I want it all instant gratification right now, especially when you have a scene where something pivotal is happening. I mean it is like eating crackerjacks and finding no prize, and dammit I want the prize at least a small one. Which brings me to the title of this blog, I guess my prize is that when I first started watching Heroes, I sorta found Hiro a bit interesting and quirky, I have now decided he is my favorite and I look forward to seeing him every episode, he is just the right dose of funny and his lines are by far the best on the show. I still think casting his Dad (Mr. Sulu) was good, but I was thinking it would have been great to have the guy from Kill Bill as his dad (the samurai sword maker) guess it was not in the budget. I also think Hiro is kinda Hawt, he is pigeon toed, wears cute little glasses and he says " this is how we roll" LMAO

I think I am turning Japanese, I really think so....

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