Okay I just have to say, my boyfriend is on this quest to have me add yet another show to my tivo overloaded device. Mind you the only time I am really glued to the TV is on race day..... But, I do record everything for my later viewing pleasure. I mean if you look at my tv.com profile you would think I sit on my chaise lounge eating black scottie dog licorice with a little gnome fanning me, but alas I do live a pretty active life. Anywho, about a month ago the guy brings over the whole first season of Heroes on his Ipodius for us to watch, well first off I am not into action shows, movies, games or anything.... Unless it has Vale running around in his dainese leathers **** So, I watch a few episodes and I start getting into the story line and all... how can you not "save the cheerleader save the world" OMG! and to be fair it is set in Vegas, Texas and NYC and Japan for good measure. So, over the last several weeks it has been none stop episode watching so I could get ready for the beginning of season 2, I think the thing that drives me crazy is how the episodes end it is like this great hour and then it just ends with black screen.... TO BE CONTINUED..... Nothing drives me more insane that that, I guess if you grew up reading comic books, it is all gay and happy and you wait till next week. for me I want it all instant gratification right now, especially when you have a scene where something pivotal is happening. I mean it is like eating crackerjacks and finding no prize, and dammit I want the prize at least a small one. Which brings me to the title of this blog, I guess my prize is that when I first started watching Heroes, I sorta found Hiro a bit interesting and quirky, I have now decided he is my favorite and I look forward to seeing him every episode, he is just the right dose of funny and his lines are by far the best on the show. I still think casting his Dad (Mr. Sulu) was good, but I was thinking it would have been great to have the guy from Kill Bill as his dad (the samurai sword maker) guess it was not in the budget. I also think Hiro is kinda Hawt, he is pigeon toed, wears cute little glasses and he says " this is how we roll" LMAO
I think I am turning Japanese, I really think so....