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Ringtone Junkies

my gawd! Tyler just sent me the best link evah! let me first tell everyone I am a ringtone junkie, it is crazy I have even emailed people who have podcasts and asked them if I can use their intro music.... all have said yes, so i have some amazing ringtones..... but all that is about to change!!!! he came over last night and said listen to this, and this little jingle comes out of his phone and I am like is that some nursrey rhyme ringtone? he was like no, it is the the train tone from japan for the train that goes to the tokyo game show. I was like really? so he sent me the link today and there are literally a jillion tones, I can have one for everyday of the week.... so, out of the kindness of my dark little heart I will share it.

I will be listening for people's phones ringing now...

you can ring my bell, ring a ling a ling!!!!