I just can´t get it why GameSpot can´t display all the blogs I´m tracking to the "Tracked blogs" section. That kinda bums me out.:( I mean I can´t post to everyone´s blogs if this keeps going like this. Sorry if I haven´t posted to your blog.:( It just keeps getting worse. It´s supposed to be 0 *C tomorrow. We just had summer and now were cominig back to fall.:(
Now for the good news. I have almost no homework and my 4 day holiday starts thursday! YESSS!!!
Are you having a great day? It´s now exctly 9 PM here. Damn. I should go to bed soon. But I try to stay here a little longer. I´m gonna watch a Bond movie soon.
We have tons of chocolate here.:P Have some if you like.
See ya! -Alpha_Zealot