Welcome and Grand Theft Auto IV
by AlphacRebel on Comments
Hey, so I never did update this blog, not that it matters too much anyways. I can't wait for the release of GTA IV. I have the special edition on pre-order (this way I'm guaranteed a copy) and will be picking it up opening day. But then again, I suspect millions are also going to get there's day one as, if predicted, this game sells between 6 and 8 million copies, at an average of $60 dollars a game (excluding the $90 special edition in this calculation) the game will generate anywhere between $3,600,000 and $4,800,000. Which of course, is a large amount of money for game sales. Which will be probably (close to anyways) what this game will make in its opening week. So, of course, we can expect good sales for this game. Let's hope it lives up to the expectations it has created, or else there will be millions of gamers disappointed. We'll all find out, April 29. On another note, other titles such as the new Mario Cart (releasing on the Sunday before the release of GTA IV) should also make good sales, as this title should not affect GTA IV sales. The two games, do of course, fall into completely different categories. And to add to that, or only available on different consoles (MK=Wii/GTA IV=360 and PS3) so, I personally see no way the games will have serious conflicts on each others sales. Unless of course, all 360/PS3 owners recently but a Wii and as a result, can only afford one game at the end of April. (Rest assured, that did not happen overnight, yet?) So, either way, the end of April is looking good. Way to go T2, show EA they can't own the whole game industry! and especially, can't get there hands on GTA IV!
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