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Alpr1010 Blog

Mass Effect

Got Mass Effect 2 through Bioware's deal with buying DA2 :) Lead up to getting Mass Effect 1, which also had a deal so I got it even cheaper than it already it :) Enjoying it a lot.

Looking forward to Dragon Age 3, Mass Effect 3, LA Noire, and Elder Scrolls Skyrim.

Random Update

Got Fallout: New Vegas on launch. Pretty good game, seems I can only get about 4 saves up before the game starts excessively freezing but still better than the freezing problems in Fallout3.

Saw a video of Red Dead Redemption: Undead and I must say, it looks wicked awesome and I might pick it up.

Starcraft 2

Pretty entertaining game but dissapointed we can't play protoss and zerg campaigns. I hope they aren't $60 either or else I'm not getting them unless they add a bunch of stuff to make it worth it lol.

Red Dead Redemption

Best open-world game yet. It's not "Grand Theft Horse" it's much more than that :) See my review if interested (PS3 version)

Mastercard Reference!! GoW3 - Epic

God of War 3 - $60

Dragon Age: Awakening - $40

Trading in SSBB & World at War - Save $40

Walking out with GoW3 & DA:A - $63

Finding out the fundamentals of C&C were removed in C&C4, making it garbage? - Priceless.

GoW3 has exceeded all expectations anyone ever thought. You just gotta play it.

Opened DA:A, but just the wraping lol. I'll get around to playing it but I know it'll be dead similar to original.

C&C4 is just a huge disappointment. Hell, disappointment is not hurtful enough. They've killed it :(

UPDATE: LMAO! They deleted all the reviews for C&C4 (like 15 of them, all 1.0) including mine and I got a warning. So funny, wow. It said i was trolled, but I didn't write a whole review bashing was constructive criticism. O well, bribery at it's finest I guess.

The wait is finally over

God of War 3, Dragon Age: Awakening, and Command & Conquer 4 are all being released in an hour and half from this post. Midnight launch for GoW3, so I assume I'd be able to get others too. Only bad thing is EA trashed C&C4, so I am no longer getting it.

Gamestop is also having a deal for GoW3 - Trade in 2 selected games (on their list) and you get $40 off! So the games I am saying goodbye to are Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Call of Duty: World at War. SSBB because I have no one to play with, and Ps3 takes my free time up ;p I like the game, but Ps3 just has more to offer. W@W simply because..why play that when I got Mw2? Zombies only thing kept me playing it after 3rd prestige so I've essentially beaten them all now and I hated all the maps except the last 3 they made. hell, I barely played the other 6 new maps from MP1 & MP2, i did it only for zombies lol. From MP3, I jumped to about 8th prestige when Mw2 came out. Anyways, I'm never going to play it again so it's a good candidate.

I sorta wanted the UE for God of War 3, but primarily just for the exclusive dungeon challenge thingy lol. The rest I couldn't care less about, but I couldn't pre-order it to get @ the store, mail only so I wasn't about to pay $10 for shipping after cringing to pay another $40 just for that dungeon xD Oh well, saves me $50 in the end for just a challenge arena lol.

I'll be picking up GoW3 at the midnight launch or I might not. If I get it tonight, I'd probably stay up all night not being able to put it down xD Not sure.

It's finally here! Now if only Starcraft 2 would freaking launch.


Would do more reviews but there's really nothing that needs to be said for most of my games. I'd rather focus on games that are in a rivalry or over/underappreciated games.

You'll see I've done both Infamous & Prototype. I'm not one to get into a debate for these two games, and the reviews are solely based on gameplay. I couldn't put either game down after first playing it, but found more to do end-game in Prototype.

For Fallout, I have the GotY version and I found it completely trash. I couldn't put it down, but once I beat it I couldn't take it anymore with the game-breaking bugs and freezes.

While I won't do reviews for any older games most likely, I will do reviews for all my new ones.

Games list posted

Did my games list. I mainly just list my Ps3 games, with a few PC ones. Posting my Ps2 collection would crash the site though lol!

March 16th is the big day. C&C4, GoW3, and DA:A! Sadly, there's nothing I am interested in the rest of the year, except for DLC for certain games.

Edit: Games already released I might look into once there are price drops (March 16th will drain me lol): Borderlands, Heavy Rain, Darksiders, Uncharted 2 (1st one didn't satisfy me), and Demon Souls.

Starting to get into this stuff lol

Been a member for awhile but never really posted or did anything with my profile until recently. Now I'm rather into doing it so I'm starting a blog as well but I'll keep things short.

Played, beaten, and platinum'd Dante's Inferno earlier today. Love the game, Hell was pretty cool to visit, but the shortness (among other things) brought it down a bit, but there's Co-Op & Multiplayer to come in DLC so it might get more epic ;) I have a full review on it as well.

Also did a review on Infamous. Not much to say here. I just don't think it's deserving of it's scores.

Might do my other games I own that are over/underappreciated.