God of War 3, Dragon Age: Awakening, and Command & Conquer 4 are all being released in an hour and half from this post. Midnight launch for GoW3, so I assume I'd be able to get others too. Only bad thing is EA trashed C&C4, so I am no longer getting it.
Gamestop is also having a deal for GoW3 - Trade in 2 selected games (on their list) and you get $40 off! So the games I am saying goodbye to are Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Call of Duty: World at War. SSBB because I have no one to play with, and Ps3 takes my free time up ;p I like the game, but Ps3 just has more to offer. W@W simply because..why play that when I got Mw2? Zombies only thing kept me playing it after 3rd prestige so I've essentially beaten them all now and I hated all the maps except the last 3 they made. hell, I barely played the other 6 new maps from MP1 & MP2, i did it only for zombies lol. From MP3, I jumped to about 8th prestige when Mw2 came out. Anyways, I'm never going to play it again so it's a good candidate.
I sorta wanted the UE for God of War 3, but primarily just for the exclusive dungeon challenge thingy lol. The rest I couldn't care less about, but I couldn't pre-order it to get @ the store, mail only so I wasn't about to pay $10 for shipping after cringing to pay another $40 just for that dungeon xD Oh well, saves me $50 in the end for just a challenge arena lol.
I'll be picking up GoW3 at the midnight launch or I might not. If I get it tonight, I'd probably stay up all night not being able to put it down xD Not sure.
It's finally here! Now if only Starcraft 2 would freaking launch.