Well, I lied. I decided that my addiction to the internet can't be defeated by sitting around doing nothing, so I'm back online..Didn't last long I know. Guess you can say I don't have much of a life.
I didn't get to watch Fight Club last night so I did today =D Seen it like ten times and it never gets old. I painted my nails today, and it's funny because the nail polish was soo strong I'm pretty sure the smell of it got me high. Try that and watching the beginning of Fight Clkub, it's pretty trippy..But hey SHHH don't tell anyone.. haha
Finally played God of War again and let em tell you, when I saw Aries(if thats how you spell it) I about crappe dmyself, I was thinking I have to fight him?!? He is one huge mother effer..... Good thing you don't have to fight him where I'm at in the game....Still hating the camera angles but it's all good :)
Now I'm watching my friend play it.He's at the challenge of Atlas...It's cool...He's farther than I am obviously because it is his game..
I still feel like crap..I really wish I could just slap some sense into some people, sometimes myself.... I really wish I could stop thinking about a few certain people.....I don't like them but why the crap are they always on my mind??? I know that I think about Zach because I still haven't written to him...And I know he's expecting a letter but I just don't know what to say. By the time I figure it out it'll be too late. I'm a horrible friend.........
Really hope I find a job soon. I might go crazy if I don't.....I keep getting distacted by the slaughering of the gorgon medusa looking things on the tv.. I like to kill them and it's fun watching someone else kill them..I like watching them squirm...lol
Well...My next movie on the list is Silent Hill....I meant ot put that on my top 5 but since I watched O' Brother Where Art Thou the same day I wrote my top 5 I put that instead of Silent Hill......But yeah I'd have to say that Silent Hill is one of my faves...
As far as the title of this blog, well this is how I feel right now....I am Jack's Raging Bile Duct, and I am Jack's Broken Heart kind of go right along with it =) .....
I'll be soo glad when I get that car back and it's fixed.May look like crap but it's a car and I really hate being cooped up inside allll the time. Heck, I'd rather go out by myself than be stuck inside by myself......Even though I'm not by myself right now it would be nice to be able to leave.......
I keep wondering what it'd really be like if the dead ruled the world...Like if a disease took out most of humanity and took over their bodies like in most horror zombie films and The Walking Dead.....I'm pretty sure I'd be weak, and one of the first to go. I definately don't think I could deal with the struggles and emotions survivors would have to endure. Heck, I'd probably be one of the first to die.... Sarah asked me yesterday what I thought about zombies and what would happen if they ran out of food(humans) She said well, they are already dead so what then? My response is that 1. They would go after each other..I mean if humans ran out of food or were trapped somewhere they'd turn on each other and probably revert to cannablism. 2. they'd get sick, I mean if it's possible to kill the walking dead then is it not possble for them to starve and die in other ways? Anyways, after all the nightmares I've had about "zombies" and that sort of thing I find myself wondering why I still read about them and all that jazz. Same for horror films, you'd thing that after all the nightmares I've had that I wouldn't watch them or read them, but horror is still one of my favorite genres....But I do have to admit they are a little bit harder to watch.
Welp kids, I'm yet again out of things to say..I mean I'm not really but if I don't stop myself now I could go on forever and we all know that's probably not a goo idea so I'm out for now =D